Stellar: Earn $50 of XLM while learning about stellar, Binance’s Trust Wallet and Australia’s Btc Markets to support XLM

Published in
6 min readApr 5, 2019

Biweekly update 22nd March — 5th April

This is not financial advice.

During the last two weeks Stellar illustrated average level of social activity. Coinbase Earn is giving out one billion Stellar Lumens (XLM) from the Stellar Development Foundation and now any eligible US user can learn about the Stellar protocol while earning up to $50 of XLM. To continue, the founder of Binance’s Trust Wallet, Viktor Radchenko, has confirmed that Stellar Lumens (XLM) will be the next cryptocurrency to be supported within the wallet. Moreover, AUSTRALIA’S BTC MARKETS are to support for Stellar Lumens (XLM). From April 3rd, BTC Markets users will be able to deposit XLM into their trading accounts.


Github metrics
Developer activity (from

Kelp can now be used to trade on 100+ centralized exchanges such as Kraken, Binance, Poloniex, CoinbasePro, etc. It’s the same trading experience, but on so many more exchanges. Run ./kelp exchanges for the full list of supported exchanges.

Notable changes since v1.5.0:

* Enable trading on centralized exchanges (100+ exchanges)

* Expand CCXT exchanges enabled on Kelp, including trading-enabled exchanges (100+ exchanges)

View the CHANGELOG for more information on this release:

Here’s a link to the release binaries on GitHub:

FINTECH Ltd, a Cameroon based technology company that develops innovative Blockchain Applications for the global banking and financial services sector, announced its newly refreshed website for the Interstellar wallet and decentralized exchange, including the release of Interstellar version 3.6.0 code-named Vega.

The website has been redesigned to provide more helpful information about its app and its unique features for users both new and old.

Social encounters

CURRENCY MATTERS, a leading foreign exchange broker and specialist in international payments, today announced it will join IBM Blockchain World Wire, a real-time global payments network for regulated financial institutions, designed to optimize and accelerate foreign exchange and remittance services.

By connecting to the World Wire network, Currency Matters now has access to a single unified network for foreign exchange and cross-border payments clearing and settlement built on blockchain technology and the Stellar public protocol. This will allow Currency Matters to offer clients the ability to conduct transactions across additional currency corridors and provide access to new digital assets including stable coins using Stellar Lumens (XLM).

Upcoming events:

Location: Hotel Carlota, Río Amazonas 73 · Ciudad de México

Location: Dienstag, 30. April 2019

Time: 18:30 bis 21:30


Token holders, the number of payments, trades and assets (information from

Coinbase Earn is giving out one billion Stellar Lumens (XLM) from the Stellar Development Foundation to millions of eligible users. Learn about the Stellar protocol while earning up to $50 of XLM.

Stellar protocol while earning up to $50 of XLM:

Trust Wallet will add support for Stellar Lumens as well as four other cryptocurrencies before the end of the week, according to company founder Viktor Radchenko. Radchenko also revealed that Trust Wallet will continue to add coins to the app on a weekly basis.

BTC Markets, a leading Australian bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange, has announced that it will add support for Stellar Lumens (XLM). From April 3rd, BTC Markets users will be able to deposit XLM into their trading accounts, with AUD and BTC market pairs to open on the 4th of April 2019.


Stellar Roadmap 2019


Horizon is a client-facing API server for the Stellar ecosystem. It is how developers connect their applications to Stellar Core. SDF currently maintains three Horizon SDKs: Javascript, Java, and Go. Early this year Stellar reached out to developers in the ecosystem to get their feedback on Horizon. Stellar will use this quarter to focus on improving the Horizon admin and developer experience.

  • Mid/Late Q2: Bring Horizon SDKs to parity with Horizon server
  • Q2: Create technical spec for Core/Horizon API
  • Q1: Add transactions that fail in consensus to Horizon
  • Ongoing: Whittle down the Github PR and issue backlog


  • Q2/Q3: Improve decentralization while preserving performance

More validators will join the network if a Stellar node can run on medium-range hardware. Towards that goal, Stellar will improve data access to stellar-core’s database (by implementing batching and prefetching). Stellar will add safeguards for bad archives and allow full validator discovery and quorum configuration by Q3.

  • Q2/Q3: Make node management faster and easier
  • Ongoing: Maintain a consistent ship schedule

Stellar will have 6 Minor Releases in 2019; one each in February, March, May, June, August, and October. Stellar will push 3 Protocol upgrades; one each in Q2, Q3, and Q4. In Q2 Stellar will migrate the SDF infrastructure to a new production environment.


  • Q2: Redesign till May 1st.
  • Q1/Q2: Publish More Content
  • Q1/Q2: Make Better Tools: Dashboard, Laboratory, SEP6 validator
  • Q2: Create an open-source Wallet SDK
  • Q2/Q3: Improve Kelp, a trading bot library designed to make it easy to make markets on Stellar.
  • Q2/Q3: Continue work on Lightning-like Payment Channels (aka Starlight)


  • Ongoing: Increase community and marketplace presence
  • Ongoing: Integrate more community feedback

Last year, Stellar announced a process for Core Advancements Proposals — proposals to change or improve the Stellar Core protocol.

  • Ongoing: Collaborate with ecosystem projects
  • supporting their headcount growth as they develop StellarExpert ID and also improve the information design and functionality of their ledger explorer.
  • AnchorUSD: supporting improved brand messaging and user experience.
  • StellarX: supporting their continued development as an open interface to Stellar’s decentralized exchange. Emerging projects will for this program continue to receive support via the Stellar Community Fund. Stellar will announce the specifics of the Community Fund in March.


  • Ongoing: Hire more good people

Q3:Increase clarity around SDF’s lumen holdings and distribution plans

A full accounting of SDF’s projects, grants, XLM holdings, and plans for those holdings is long overdue. By year-end there should be complete clarity around all SDF’s activities and assets.

Partnerships and team members

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Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The data shows very unusual pattern.

Social media dynamics:

The graph above illustrates a slight increase in the number of Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. However, Twitter followers prevail. The information is taken from

This is not financial advice.

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