Our door,once the guardian of my solace,no longer keeps my secrets in.It is a gouged dichotomyof being closed, yet broken…
In the sunshine, I may writea happy poembeneath a feijoa tree,while the spiderwebs clingto its twigs, a splayso brittle…
Paddle in the calm,while the sun hails and halosfrom afar, giftingits near-eternal charms.
Father, the white voids of my PTSDobscure my childhood -my formative memories,although I do recallhow you once…
Wake with the weight of water;an ocean’s breadth of brine —
The last time I saw my friend,we buried another.He was his uso; our third, our brother.
Loss sharpens, yet diminishes us
Her thoughts have been quiet -sealed too long in vacuum,unable to assume the plasticityof their ever delicate shapes.