Data in Action: Delivering Data with Speed & Accuracy

PARSIQ x CryptoRank Case Study

3 min readNov 24, 2022


At PARSIQ, we know how important data is for platforms utilizing blockchain technology. Data is the beating heart of Web3!

We also know that developers want to build their platforms and realize their goals, not mess around with the details of sorting out their basic data needs. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to take all of the hassle out of the process. Being the one-stop shop for Web3 data, we make sure your data needs are met, so that your project runs as smoothly as possible and you can keep doing what you love doing — BUIDLING!

Today, we’re excited to present you with an example of PARSIQ’s data in action!

PARSIQ X CryptoRank

CryptoRank is one the largest market data aggregation and analytics platforms in the world of Web3. Needless to say, they depend on a lot of data in order to make sure their prices, numbers, rankings, charts, and graphs are always up to date.

With more than 19k currencies listed on their site, a crucial element for their platform is receiving data with speed and accuracy. With features like alerts and watchlists (among others) that their users depend on, there’s just no way around it — their data has got to be accurate up to the second!

That’s where PARSIQ comes in.

CryptoRank was an early adopter of our Tsunami API. And they’ve been more than happy with what we’re offering!

One of the features that sets the Tsunami API apart is its speed. Very often, developers struggle with the speed (or lack thereof!) at which they receive the data they need. Making calls on historical data, revising and updating metrics, analyzing the relation of past events — when it comes to a frictionless user-experience, all of this depends on speed. Happily, the Tsunami API is an exception in this regard: we’ve made it possible for over 33 billion events to be processed in under 1 second!

For CryptoRank, this is a necessity. Take their Portfolio Tracker, for example. In order to deliver what their users need — such as the ability to track their balances, transactions, and so on — they’ve got to be sure they’re relying on the best the industry has to offer. And they are!

As Fedor Matviiv, CEO of CryptoRank noted:

Being a massive aggregator platform, our technology is a perfect match for their needs. That is why PARSIQ is proud to have CryptoRank among its customers. We look forward to continued work with CryptoRank, and to the possibility of expanding the data flow we’re sending their way.

In addition to our Tsunami API, our other products — such as our Data Lakes — are more than equipped to provide platforms with specialized data (say, from the NFT Data Lake) or with customizable data, which can be tailored specifically to a platforms needs (of, e.g., data type, filtration, sorting, etc.).

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About CryptoRank

CryptoRank provides crowdsourced and professionally curated research, price analysis, and crypto market-moving news to help market players make more informed trading decisions. If you’re looking for a set of practical and insightful crypto market information and data, we have the analytics tools to suit your business needs.

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PARSIQ is a full-suite data network for building the backend of all Web3 dApps & protocols. The Tsunami API provides blockchain protocols and their clients (e.g. protocol-oriented dApps) with real-time data and historical data querying abilities.

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