PARSIQ was Everywhere in September!

15 days, 5 events, 2 continents, 1 team

14 min readOct 12, 2022


The PARSIQ team was at it once again, traveling far and wide to spread the word about the fundamentally important blockchain infrastructure products and services we offer to the Web3 world.

Just as we’d done prior to the launch of our Tsunami APIwhen we participated in eleven of the biggest blockchain and crypto events of Spring 2022 — this fall, we’re dead set on getting our name known and meeting new clients.

This time, within the span of fifteen days, we attended five major events on two continents!

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And if you think this is the limit of our participation in the industries hottest events, you’d be sorely wrong! We’ve already got a nice lineup of further events we’ll be participating in before the year’s end, so stay tuned to hear details about those events.

You might be wondering:

Why does PARSIQ spend so much effort participating in events and conferences like these? Oftentimes, influencers present them simply as big parties (and no doubt, they can be pretty fun!). But if that’s all they are, then what’s the point of going? Wouldn’t that be a waste of resources and time? Yes, it would be — if that’s all they were. But they’re not just big parties. In fact, the majority of our time is spent doing hard work, making connections, meeting partners, attending talks, discovering new use cases of our tech, and keeping up with all the hottest developments. These events are exhausting, but they pay off!

Besides having a great time at these professional conferences, we also network with new potential clients and establish some great new relationships. We particularly appreciate these events because of the opportunity they provide us to get to know the current and future leaders of our industry, and establish ourselves among these leaders!

Having now returned from all of these events, our team has once again reported great success at these events. The PARSIQ name is getting known!

Let’s hear a little bit about what the experiences were like. First up is Binance Blockchain Week…

Binance Blockchain Week

PARSIQ: Ah, Paris…What’s not to love about this wonderful city! It was great to bring some of our team together and represent PARSIQ at Binance Blockchain Week. Present at this event was Tom Tirman (CEO), Per Juhlin (Head of BD), and David Siddock (BD).

Let’s start off with the basics. How was it to be at the event? What was it like? Was it your first time there?

Tom: Yep! It was my first time at this event. It was fantastic! The size of the venue and programming felt perfectly suited to the event, not too large and not too small. Because of this, it felt really manageable to get to cover a lot of ground, and speak with everyone you wanted to meet. For example, it was great being able to talk to people from all sides of the Binance ecosystem (the exchange, TrustWallet team, Binance US, BNB Chain team etc).

Per: Exactly. I definitely agree with Tom here. It was amazing to meet so many fantastic people. I’d been in PARIS earlier this year for Blockchain Summit — an event also sponsored by Binance — and it was great to be back repping PARSIQ in the city of love.

David: This was not only my first time at Binance Blockchain Week, but this was my first time in Paris, actually. It was amazing! What a beautiful city (I can’t wait to come back again for the croissants!) As far as the conference goes, the event was very cool and full of a lot of life — from leaders in the industry, to super smart engineers, and even quite a few students.

PARSIQ: Sounds like you all had a really nice time at the event! Let’s hear some specifics about the event: what was your favorite presentation and what did you find particularly inspiring?

David: For me, there was a presentation with CZ and a French politician. That speech was really cool because the politician laid out their plans over the next 2 years to entice blockchain companies to come to France. It seems like the regulators will be more open to Web3 companies. Also, I’d mentioned above that there were students present. It seems that France is investing in blockchain education, which is really great to see.

Per: Yes, I would also have to say the presentation with CZ was phenomenal. I’m a firm believer that the next crypto bull run will be driven by regulatory clarity. CZ gets this, and it was inspiring to get a sense of how things might play out, to hear the types of things already been considered.

David: Yes, definitely. I also have been noticing that a lot of lawyers are looking into crypto and this event had a lot of them there. I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing a lot more regulations coming for the industry.

Per: No doubt. There was a lot to be inspired by at the conference, but the general atmosphere was really encouraging for me. Just to be around so many optimistic and like minded people was motivating!

Tom: Agreed with all they’ve said here. There were lots of great talks. The one I think of first was one from Gala Games, they have a great vision for Web3 gaming. There is a lot of data involved in Web3 gaming. And PARSIQ is all about data. It’s always enjoyable to hear the vision of other projects… It gives me a great chance to think about just how central PARSIQ’s services will become.

About inspiration… hmm, in general, Binance inspires me. They have truly built one of the greatest ecosystems in crypto.

PARSIQ: How about the response you got from others about PARSIQ’s tech? What sort of feedback or reaction did you receive?

Per: I got further affirmation that this bear cycle we are in is slightly different from the ones before. Everyone is focused on product-market fit now, and that’s a good thing — especially for PARSIQ. We are an infrastructure-focused product and it’s obvious when speaking to people that companies focused on building the backend is what attracts attention right now. So I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of great feedback we received.

David: We had our own booth and spoke to a lot of amazing projects and new projects looking for dev tools and data. We don’t always have a booth at these conferences, because they aren’t always necessary. But at this event in particular, it was helpful, because of the size and setting of the event. I had a ton of great conversations. And let’s just say, more than a few projects were excited to see what we could offer and how much better we are than our competition.

PARSIQ: Haha! That’s great! Good to hear people are taking notice.

Per: For sure! There is so much exciting stuff in the pipeline. So, stay active on social media and keep watch.

Tom: Yep! Lots of exciting stuff is happening. We had some great meetings with potential clients. In fact, I had a nice chat with <<REDACTED>>! I’ll be looking forward to working more closely with their ecosystem.

And the important thing is that we just keep building and developing!

Zebu Live + Blockchain Expo

And now we’ll leave Paris behind, and hear a bit from Francis Foster (Communications Lead) who traveled to London and Amsterdam to attend Zebu Live and Blockchain Expo.

PARSIQ: Hey, Francis! Good to talk to you again. It looks like these events were pretty interesting, and maybe didn’t have the ‘typical’ crypto crowd in attendance. Is that right?

Francis: Yea, great to have a chance to chat! You’re definitely right. Both Zebu Live and Blockchain Expo were eye opening: it’s really impressive to see just how far the interest in Web3 and blockchain technology has come.

PARSIQ: How do you mean? What kind of crowds were in attendance, and what were the events like?

Francis: Well, for one thing, Zebu has formed a vibrant and passionate community over several years. There were still a lot of ‘crypto natives’ in attendance. Noticeably though, was the fact that not only was the event very well attended, but besides the high quality projects you’d expect to see, there were also politicians and prestigious investors (and not just typically Web3-oriented ones)!

Similarly, Blockchain Expo had a lot of non-Web3 natives as well. Really, the decision of our choosing to attend this event came down to the quality of the speakers involved, mostly coming from TradFi and Web2 companies. It was not an event on the schedule of your average crypto project or investor, but we’re very pleased we attended because making connections with TradFi and Web2 is just as important (and some might even say more important) for the future of blockchain adoption.

PARSIQ: Super interesting! What kind of Web2/TradFi companies are you talking about here?

Francis: Well, for instance, it was so interesting to hear how the likes of ING, Mastercard, Citi Group, HSBC, Vodafone, and EY are approaching blockchain and crypto.

PARSIQ: Haha, wow! Not small names by any means. Very cool stuff.

Francis: Exactly. Some of the biggest names out there are taking notice of blockchain technology. If the activity at these events is any indication, banks are looking at the technology very seriously. Blockchain teams are being assembled and experiments are already underway.

PARSIQ: What was the general mood of the crowd? Given the state of the market, it is a nice surprise to hear that such big names are taking interest in the industry.

Francis: The quality of the event, the atmosphere, and the attitudes of the projects was still very high despite the market conditions. Lots of exciting protocols are being developed and planned for launch. PARSIQ made a lot of new friends at these events — some really strong connections!

PARSIQ: Thanks, Francis for your time. We always appreciate getting to share these types of details with our community!

Asia Crypto Week + Token 2049 — Singapore

With this we head out of Europe and take a tour of Singapore! Here we are joined, once again, by Tom Tirman (CEO), as well as Rong Kai Wong (COO), Mei Hui Liew (Senior Project Manager), Simon Harmgardt (BD), and Emilijus Prankcus (BD).

PARSIQ: Greetings, everyone! So nice to see so many of you were able to attend these exciting events!

Tom: Yes, we always love chances to get the team together. It’s really exciting to be a part of such a global company, but there really is no substitute for getting to spend time with each other in person.

PARSIQ: For sure! That’s one of the great things about getting to take advantage of these exciting events. So, how was Singapore for PARSIQ? First time there for everyone?

Rong Kai: Well, it was my first time in Token2049 but of course Singapore is a very familiar place to me — Iwas born and raised there! It was great to be back home. The food and culture are excellent as usual, and it’s an international city where anyone from any background and creed can come to do business safely.

Best experience was bringing the team to try durian — their faces were priceless (see photo above)!

PARSIQ: Haha! Well, we gotta say, we’re a little bit jealous — Singapore sounds amazing, and a lot of us have never had durian! How about for others? First time in Singapore? How were the events?

Mei Hui Liew: It was the first time that Token2049 was held in Singapore and the scale of the event was simply amazing. Multiple stages with a continuous lineup of speakers and so many eager exhibitors and players in the space. I was thrilled to see such an internationally diverse crowd converge in Singapore. Other than the main conference, there were numerous side events and afterparties, there was hardly a dull moment.

Emilijus: Token2049 is easily among the Top3 crypto events I have attended so far. This was my first time in Singapore and I’ve got to admit I enjoyed every second there. Food, people, cleanliness, efficiency, organization and a crazy amount of side events to attend made my work a pleasure.

Simon: Like Emilijus, this was my first time in Singapore for me! That place is amazing! The energy of the events was impressive as well. I did not expect such attendance and levels of energy in such a downturn of the market. There is SO much building going on right now. If there was one thing I took away from it, it is that crypto as an industry is not going anywhere. It is 100% here to stay.

Tom: Yes. Precisely this. These were huge events, and very well organized. People flew down from all over the world. I really enjoyed getting the chance to meet people whom I have known for years, but met in person for the first time during the event. I was also amazed how great of a crypto/startup hub Singapore is. Besides crypto being here to stay, these events only further cemented the fact that if you stick around, keep building, and stay curious, ygmi. And PARSIQ is doing just that! wagmi 😎

PARSIQ: How about the presentations? What were they like? Was there anything especially interesting, exciting, or notable you experienced?

Mei Hui: There were several good panels of speakers, it’s tough to pick just one. In summary, the key messages were bullish on the long-term prospect of Web3 but everyone is looking out for the next narrative after the fading of the NFT market. There are bets on GameFi or decentralized social apps, but the current macroeconomic environment is going to be very challenging.

Emilijus: I’ll admit I did not attend too many presentations, simply because there were so many projects to talk to and so much networking going on! However one panel comes to mind where top VC’s were sharing their views on the current market and how they approach it. I found their differing approaches very interesting!

Rong Kai: Haha, yes, I’m in the same boat as Emilijus. I actually did not have time to attend presentations — it was meeting after meeting! Lots of networking to be done!

I will say, though, that we have not been in Asia for a long while and some of the connections we made here could not be made elsewhere. We are also pursuing a few new angles without announcements, some which have already been signed. There’s no point in issuing such news piecemeal in the bear market — we’re going to announce it with a bang when the time comes.

PARSIQ: Well that’s exciting to hear! We can’t wait to hear what’s in development. Let’s talk specifically about PARSIQ now. Did you speak with any projects that were excited about working with PARSIQ?

Rong Kai: Too many to count! We even spoke to various non-blockchain companies, including banks and billion dollar VCs. The interest has been amazing. There were also a lot of ex-Binance colleagues at the event, and they were all doing various different projects now. It was a great time to link up with them.

Mei Hui: Just to echo some of what Rong Kai’s already just said. There were a lot of interesting talks (for both PARSIQ and IQ Labs!). This was PARSIQ’s largest representation at an Asian Web3 event and I am eager to continue this momentum to make our name more well known in this part of the world where I reside. I was pleasantly surprised to meet a number of people based in Singapore who have heard of PARSIQ. One of them is really interested in our business of automating the data backend and I am setting up a meeting to share more.

Emilijus: It’s definitely true that many projects had already heard about PARSIQ! But not all of them are up to date with our recent developments. Multiple projects were very excited to learn more about PARSIQ and our new suite of data solutions. I’d say custom Data Lakes and the NFT Ownership Data Lake were the biggest stars in terms of positive reaction!

Obviously there were projects who had not heard of us before — but we were there to change this. :)

Simon: Among everything else, we’ve strengthened our relationship with SynFutures — a partner we value a lot. Perhaps our community will be pleased to hear that they are very excited about a custom SynFutures data lake.

Also we had a chance to talk to PolyTrade, another partner of ours — PolyTrade. They’re so happy with PARSIQ they keep declining other data providers who are approaching them. I found that really great to hear!

PARSIQ: Any last details or bits of hype you can provide to our community?

Tom: There is just so much to share. These events were very fruitful. PARSIQ is really getting our name out there. But, as Mei Hui already mentioned, there was an interest in IQ Protocol as well. We had an excellent meeting with <<REDACTED>>, a huge brand, who was interested in IQ Protocol technology. I am excited to see where this leads us.

Rong Kai: Oh yes! The conversation Tom and I had with <<REDACTED>> was one of the best chats Tom and I had, which happened right at the end of the week. A nice way to end the event.

PARSIQ: Well, once again — we can’t wait to hear more about this when details can be shared!

Thanks, everyone for all the great insight you’ve provided into these events. It is great to see how hard PARSIQ is working not just at developing, but at spreading the word about our offerings as well!

Goodbye, Singapore!

Thanks for reading our update on the events we attended in September! And don’t forget — as we mentioned above — PARSIQ has got an exciting list of future events we’ll be participating in before the year’s end.

We look forward to updating you on those in due time!

🚀 🖖 🌯


PARSIQ is a full-suite data network for building the backend of all Web3 dApps & protocols. The Tsunami API provides blockchain protocols and their clients (e.g. protocol-oriented dApps) with real-time data and historical data querying abilities.

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