PARSIQ Heads to Austin and New York

Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2022

The PARSIQ team has been busy past months visiting a host of conferences and events, networking and meeting new clients.

And we’re at it again!

It’s almost getting difficult to keep track of all the places and events we’ve been at this year, traveling far and wide to spread the word about our newest tech!

Let’s see, there’s been…


Luckily, we’re not losing steam.

During the upcoming weeks, we’ll be attending even more events…

Where will we be?

  • NFT Connect | June 6–8, 2022 | Austin, Texas
  • Consensus | June 9–12, 2022 | Austin, Texas
  • NFT.NYC | June 20–22, 2022 | New York City

Specializing in blockchain data, these events will prove important for PARSIQ when it comes to meeting with new clients who need a full-suite data provider to support their NFT projects and platforms.

As usual, we’ll update our community about our time at these events once we’ve returned. But going into them, we are excited to say we’ve got a lot planned.

Francis Foster (Communications Lead), and David Siddock (Business Development) are both scheduled to deliver talks at NFT Connect, a completely sold out event! After NFT Connect, both Francis and David will also be representing PARSIQ at Consensus, meeting with some a host of potential new partners.

Shortly after these events, our very own Tom Tirman (CEO) has been invited as a guest speaker at NFT.NYC. But he won’t be there alone! Supporting him will be Rong Kai Wong (COO), as well as Francis Foster and David Siddock. This will be a great opportunity for PARSIQ, as NFT.NYC is among the biggest NFT events of the year.

This is a very exciting time for PARSIQ as we prepare for the launch of our new flagship product, the Tsunami API. Already in a successful testing phase, the Tsunami API is slated for a July 2022 release!

We look forward to updating you all about the successes that NFT Connect, Consensus, and NFT.NYC will bring!


PARSIQ is a full-suite data network for building the backend of all Web3 dApps & protocols. The Tsunami API, which will ship in July 2022, will provide blockchain protocols and their clients (e.g. protocol-oriented dApps) with real-time data and historical data querying abilities.

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