Create a Default Wallet on Particl Desktop

Particl News
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2019

Step 1: Download

Download the latest version of the Particl Desktop client that corresponds to your operating system (OS) on

Step 2: Prerequisites

Extract the content of the zip file to any location on your computer and launch the desktop wallet by clicking on the Particl Desktop executable file. Accept the terms and conditions if you agree with them (it is required to use Particl Desktop).

Step 3: Create Your Default Wallet

To use the Open Marketplace, you first need to create a “default” Particl wallet. This wallet won’t have the marketplace enabled, but is required in order to then enable the Open Marketplace.

Click on Create a wallet.

Encrypt your wallet with a password.

This password is going to encrypt your wallet.dat file. You will need it each time you want to unlock your wallet and will also be needed if you want to make a backup of your wallet using this file.

The recovery phrase is a 24 word seed that allows you to restore your wallet without requiring your wallet.dat nor your encryption password. Write these words on a piece of paper and keep them safely.

To ensure you’ve properly noted your recovery phrase, enter the missing words in the empty fields.

(Optional) This is the recovery password. It can encrypt you seed. If you opt to add one and lose it, your seed then become useless. This password prevents someone to have access to your funds even if they find your recovery phrase, but if you forget about this password, you will permanently lose access to your funds. It ‘s advised to let this field empty if you are not experimented.

This step shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. If the client gets stuck and does not progress to the next step after more than 10 minutes, you can close and reopen it. This will give you access to your wallet, but you will need to manually generate public and private addresses by going to the receive tab and click on New public/private address before going further.

Click on Finish setup to have access to your newly created wallet.

Step 4: Verification

Go to the RECEIVE page and verify that you indeed have a public and a private address. If you don’t, generate the addresses by clicking on New public/private address in the respective tabs.

