All I Want For Christmas… 🎄

Raena McQueen
Published in
2 min readDec 24, 2021

I’m spending Christmas alone this year.

But it’s actually not on purpose!

See, I lost my car keys and you can read about it here.

I’m kind of nervous because I’ve never spend Christmas alone before. I did during the pandemic, but… Actually, no. Unless my memory is failing, I think my family did link up for Christmas that year. I really can’t remember, though…

Let’s just say that this is the first Christmas that I can remember being alone.

And again, it’s not even intentional.

I feel like God set me up, but His motives haven’t been revealed to me yet. I have no clue how I’ll spend the day, but with no car, it’s not like I have many options.

And normally, I enjoy my solitude. I really like being left alone. But spending Christmas alone… I really don’t know what that looks like or feels like. I mean, what do people do when they’re alone for the holidays? Sleep?

I feel like I’m going to spend the whole day thinking, and I don’t like that. When I start thinking, I think. And the last thing I want to think about is the series of grinches who stole Christmas from me.

But maybe that’s the plan. Maybe God wants me to be alone because I have more shadow work to do.

And that’s okay, I guess.

I kind of opened up to you all about my Christmas experiences last year, remember? And even though I feel better this year, there may be some things that I suppressed and God is “giving” me time to face them.

That’s all I can come up with because for the life of me, I don’t understand why He would take my car keys. Of all things.

They say “God ruins your plans when He sees they’re about to ruin you,” but I don’t see how my Christmas plans were ruining me. I really want to make new and better Christmas memories, and the way things are going this year don’t measure up.

I don’t know.

Maybe I’ll feel differently tomorrow, but this is one of those moments when my PARTYOFONE doesn’t seem so fun afterall.

