Call For Writers | Fascinate Me Fiction | Passages Through Writing

We Want Your Story

Captivate us with your story at Fascinate Me Fiction

Passages Through Writing


Photo by Klim Sergeev on Unsplash

If you have been seeking ways to improve as a writer, you’re staring straight at it. Fascinate Me Fiction wants not just stories, but heartfelt stories brewed from the very pot of authenticity to challenge your storytelling skills.

This is a brand-new opportunity for you to help expand your confidence as a writer.

Fascinate Me Fiction is distinct from other pubs as it opens up portals you didn’t even know existed within fiction. Blend reality with fiction to tell your story and be heard.

That’s not all; the surprise goes on. Fascinate Me Fiction has a sub-publication, Passages Through Writing, filled with updated writer’s resources for scrutinized, well-detailed, and factual guides, advice, and ideas to help our writers soar.

Do you like that? You can get just that at Fascinate Me Fiction, among many others. The fun never stops.

Photo by Troy T on Unsplash

Why Fascinate Me Fiction

  • We offer you a practice ground to accelerate your storytelling skills and gain attention for them.
  • You get to be potential contestants in our coming contests.
  • FMF is a break from all the numerous pieces of advice; here, we promote ‘your’ stories.
  • Share stories and make friends along the way.
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

What We Want

It’s simple!

We want stories such as personal essays, experiences, real-life happenings, or that amazing world that only exists in your imagination.

But there's a challenge.

Whip it up into compelling fictional stories and blow our minds at Fascinate Me Fiction.

Do you dare to take on this challenge?

I see your writer's instinct nodding frantically.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

How To Join Your Next Favorite Pub

All you need to do is:

Photo by Semyon Borisov on Unsplash

One last thing!
You are free to take a look at the FMF/PTW Force Discord server. You’re sure to reach out to other amazing writers, expand your connection, and have access to the pub moderators directly:

For more resources to get accustomed to the pub, read the perfect way to write for Fascinate Me Fiction.

Last Words, For Now!

We await the courageous writers ;).

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash



Passages Through Writing

You are not alone, I promise. Join me for daily doses of reality, served through a blend of fiction, non-fiction, articles, blogs, and poetry.