🏴 xul.dll Errors FireFox → How To Fix ‘xul.dll Could Not Be Found’ Errors 2017 🏴

😥 xul.dll errors 😥used to prevent FireFox from loading. To fix, reinstall Firefox and ensure xul.dll is stored correctly in Windows…

FireFox xul.dll Errors Are *Actually*Entry Point Not Found” Errors…

⛔️ XUL.dll Errors Show When You Try To Load FIREFOX ⛔️

Firefox requires the use of a particular function inside xul.dll in order to run. If this function does not exist, the above error will appear.

The error is mostly caused by xul.dll being corrupted or incompatible with your version of Firefox. The error itself is “Entry Point Not Found” (xul.dll is not actually at fault… it just means a specific function is missing from it) ↴

Standard → “Entry Point Not Found” errors are common on Windows…

The most common reason for it is another piece of software overwriting your system’s version of xul.dll (with an out of date version)…

✔️Windows is fine
Problem is a corrupt or out-of-date XUL.dll file
🚸Fix → re-install Firefox and replace xul.dll

The following steps will give you the rundown on EXACTLY what needs to be done to get it working… ⬇️

⚠️ Firstly, if you want to skip the tutorial & get it fixed immediately, you may wish to visit PCFixes.com → leading 24/7 tech support ⚠️

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[[ something here ]]

⛔️ “Entry Point Not Found” ⛔️

With that out the way, your error shows whenever an application is unable to identify a particular function within a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file…

DLL stuff aside… like most things in Windows, the “error” you see is
NOT what’s causing the problem.

The cause is that an application (Firefox) is trying to call a function
from xul.dll. The function cannot be found, leading to the error.

The important thing to realize is this is NOT a “Firefox” error, nor is it a problem with Windows. It’s a problem with an outdated version of XUL.dll, and can happen with ANY application on your system (as demonstrated) ↴

Entry Point Not Found” Errors Are Surprisingly Common…

Your problem has almost NOTHING to do with Firefox → Firefox is unable to load a function from within xul.dll. You need to replace xul.dll with the latest version to get it working correctly…

[[ desc] ]

→ Causes ←

→❌Firefox is outdated/corrupted
→❌xul.dll is outdated/corrupted
→❌Permissions required by Firefox
→❌Antivirus blocking the request

[[ image ]]

The fix is to ♻️ re-install FireFox ♻️ and (if the error remains),
📁 replace xul.dll 📁 → steps below

→ DLL Libraries Explained ←

To briefly explain, x86/x64 (Windows/Linux/OSX) applications often load a number of “libraries” when they load.

These are files which provide standardized functionality to the app ↴

[[ img ]]

➡️ In Windows, libraries are stored in DLL (Dynamic Link Library) files.
➡️ In Unix-based systems (Linux/OSX), they’re SO (Shared Object) files…

Your problem is that your system is unable to identify and load a particular function inside the XUL.dll library (required by FireFox).

The issue is common for MANY DLL’s and is a result of your system having incorrect (damaged/incompatible) versions of the relevant DLL files…

⚠️ Mozilla’s “XUL” library (XUL.dll)⚠️

To explain about xul.dll

[[ img ]]

XUL.dll is part of Mozilla’s XUL (“XML User-Interface Language”) library.
It is used by Firefox to help it manage various front-end components…

This file is used primarily as an API (Application Programming Interface), which helps other developers interface with FireFox/Thunderbird.

The only thing that matters is to appreciate that although xul.dll is native to Mozilla products, it’s also used by other applications.

It may be the case that another app on your system overwrote your version of xul.dll, or your antivirus has quarantined it. To fix, follow the steps below 🔽

Solution Steps

1️⃣ Reinstall FireFox 1️⃣

The first step is to reinstall firefox:

The reason to do this is because each time you install a program, it will place its dependency libraries on your hard drive:

Windows 7

  • Click onto “Start” → “Control Panel” → “Add / Remove Programs”
  • Scroll down to “Mozilla Firefox” → “Right-Click” → Select “Uninstall”

Windows 10

  • Right-click the “Start” / “Windows” button (bottom left)
  • Select “Apps and Features”
  • Scroll down to “Mozilla Firefox”
  • Click on the listing and then the “Uninstall” button

After doing this, restart the PC.

Next, before installing a fresh copy of Firefox, you *may* wish to download a registry cleaner and remove any damaged/corrupted install entries.

The best tools to do this are CCleaner and Frontline Registry Cleaner 2.0.

You then need to download the latest version of Firefox and install it:

Download and install the latest version of Firefox. Restart and it *should* work

2️⃣ Replace Xul.dll 2️⃣

If the error persists, you’ll have to replace xul.dll

This is a common practice (it ensures you are running the latest version of the file). You can do this by using the following steps:

  • Click onto the following URL to download a new version of xul.dll:
  • You should be able to save the file as a ZIP to your hard drive:
  • Once saved, double-click on the ZIP that has been downloaded
  • Extract the DLL file from inside onto your hard drive:
  • Next, copy the newly extractedxul.dll and place into the c:/Windows/System32 folder:
  • After doing this, press “WINDOWS” + “R” keys on the keyboard
  • In the “Run” dialogue, type “cmd” and press “Enter”:
  • In the command prompt, type the following:
regsvr32 /u xul.dll
regsvr32 xul.dll

This should re-register the file, allowing Windows to pull it from the central repository. Windows has two sets of DLL files — local (stored in program files) and global (stored in “System32”). Placing a file into, and registering it in, System32 should make it accessible to all applications.

After doing this, restart your PC and try firefox again.

3️⃣Restart Windows 3️⃣

Finally, restart Windows.

This should reset any of the potentially damaged settings that xul.dll could have caused, allowing your system to return to normal operation.

☎️ Further Support ☎️

If you need further support, there are a number of options…

👾 Live Tech Support (PCFixes.com) 👾

Finally, if you want to brave the quagmire that is “live tech support”,
you’ll get access to a specific solution for your problem…

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Live support is recommend IF you use your system for business or work.

If you need the help right now, getting an expert on screen gives you the ability to at least get a second opinion (and perhaps someone to help guide you through the fix). Live support is the only way to do this.

⚠️ Do NOT use live services that charge up front. ONLY use companies who provide live support without ANY up-front commitments…⚠️

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📥 Thanks For Reading! 📥

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