PCHAIN Hackathon

Published in
5 min readApr 10, 2019


PCHAIN is pleased to announce that we are organizing a hackathon for PCHAIN developers. It is a contest where a total prize equivalent to USD100,000 will be shared among all winners. This contest will be fully online, and anyone from any region will be able to participate.

We are inviting all developers from all over the world to join our exciting PCHAIN Hackathon.


A total prize of USD100,000 will be awarded to winners of our PGH event:

First Prize is USD50,000

Second Prize is USD10,000

Third Prize is USD5,000.

The remaining USD35,000 will be shared by all shortlisted finalists.

80% of the prize will be distributed to the winner, the remaining 20% will be shared to supporters who voted for the winner.

Prizes will be paid in PI, based on the USD valuation at the time of reward.

Because we received a large amount of requests from non-game developers, and to further benefit the PCHAIN ecosystem, we decided to extend the hackathon to any application vertical: Gaming, Finance, Supply Chain, Energy, IoT, Intellectual Property, Identity, etc.

Therefore, we will keep the submission page opened until September 30th while the voting will start on October 15th and the final result announced on November 16th. Check the updated timeline below.

There will be 5 judges from PCHAIN team, each of them holds 100 points and will reward 2 points to every Dapp submitted before June 30th. So these Dapps will get additional 10 points from the PCHAIN Team.


  • This contest will start on 15th April, 2019, and the registration will be opened on 15th April, 2019 and will be closed on 30th August, 2019. Registration link: http://developer.pchain.org/user/register
  • The submission is from 1st May to 30th September 2019
  • Shortlisted candidates will be announced on 15th October 2019
  • Community Voting will last from 15th October 2019 to 15th November 2019
  • Team Voting will last from 15th October 2019 to 15th November 2019
  • Final winners will be announced on 16th November 2019
  • Prizes will be awarded on 20th November 2019


The whole process of this PGH contest is totally online from beginning till the end. You will be able to register shortly after we open our registration process.

Your submission, notification and presentation will be conducted online.

Your results and your Dapp will be published online. We will also invite the PI holders to vote for their favorite projects.


Registration for the contest must be completed by 30th August 2019. Developers can apply as an individual or as a team, and there is no limit on the number of members per team. Your Dapp must run on the PCHAIN mainnet.

Each team need to submit a video which will introduce the team, the project, idea, and why it will attract people using their Dapp. The video also need to include a sample run of the Dapp itself, complete with tutorial for beginners. The length of the video should not more than 15 mins. You can upload the video to Youtube or other similar service and send us the link. You must submit your video link by latest 30th September, 2019.

Judging Criteria

55% of the total score will be judged by the team.

The criteria are:

1) Innovation and Creativity

2) Gameplay and Design

3) Coding and Security

Community Voting

45% of the votes are from the community. Any holder with a minimum of 10,000 PI will be allowed to vote for the candidate of his/her choice. Two votes per wallet only, and a minimum of 10,000 PI must be in the wallet.

The formula to calculate the vote for each candidate is:

Let’s say, we have only 3 candidates (for easy illustration). Candidate A has 1000 votes, Candidate B has 2000 votes and Candidate C has 1500 votes. So, the total will be 4500 votes.

Candidate A will receive 1000/4500*0.45= 0.1 from the community.

Candidate B will receive 2000/4500*0.45= 0.2 from the community.

Candidate C will receive 1500/4500*0.45= 0.15 from the community.

Team judgement:

A few officials from the team will be assigned as judges. Let’s say, 3 judges (again for easy illustration)

Each judge has a total of 100 points only.

Candidate A receives 40 points from Judge 1, 40 points from Judge 2 and 30 points from Judge 3.

Candidate B receives 30 points from Judge 1, 40 points from Judge 2 and 30 points from Judge 3.

Candidate C receives 30 points from Judge 1, 20 points from Judge 2 and 40 points from Judge 3.

Total score for A from the team = (40+40+30)/300 *0.55= 0.2017

Total score for B from the team = (30+40+30)/300 *0.55= 0.1833

Total score for C from the team = (30+20+40)/300 *0.55= 0.1650

Grand total score

Grand total score for Candidate A = 0.1+ 0.2017= 0.3017

Grand total score for Candidate B = 0.2+ 0.1833= 0.3833

Grand total score for Candidate C = 0.15+ 0.1650= 0.315

So, in this example, first prize goes to candidate B.


All the candidates’ submission will be made public for transparency purpose and their video demos/DApp’s introductions will also be made public. The scoring from the team and community for each candidate will be made public too. The votes from the community will be displayed in real time, as well as the score of each candidate.


In case of a tie in the score for the finalist, the final judgement will be made by the team judges.

Tutorial and Contact

Do not worry if you feel you do not have enough experience in developing blockchain apps before. Here is the tutotial of smart contract deployment on PCHAIN.

For any queries about this contest, please leave any of your ideas on PCHAIN developer community


The participant must ensure that all materials submitted is of original and does not infringe any party or person. PCHAIN takes no responsibility on the intellectual property of any materials submitted by the participant and will not hesitate to take action to disqualify if found any participant to violate the intellectual property law.

The participant also need to ensure the DApp should comply with all relevant laws of your country, PCHAIN will not take any responsibility if such law is broken.


PCHAIN is the world’s first native multi-chain system supporting EVM, with original PDBFT algorithm, unified knowledge graph and smart data Oracle mechanism. PCHAIN is committed to support non-native Token smart contract calls and solve problems like improving blockchain performance, smart contracts loop not closed, too dependent on external data. It will make large-scale industrial applications of blockchain smart contracts possible.

Some References

  1. PCHAIN Staking introduction

2. The System Requirements of Validator

3. The Dynamic Join-and-Exit Mechanism of the PCHAIN Validator

4. PI Token Swap

5. PCHAIN Innovative Technology :PDBFT Consensus Algorithm

6. PCHAIN Innovative Technology :PDBFT 2.0 Consensus Algorithm

— — — — — — — — — THE END — — — — — — — — —

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