PCHAIN The First Commercial Chain — Qiang Sheng Smart-e

Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2019

Adoption means everything for a technology, the real world adoption for blockchain technology means definitely the trend of blockchain development. So far as we all know, blockchain technology has been discovered for almost 10 years since Bitcoin developed by Satoshi in 2009. In recent 3 years, blockchain has become the super-hot topic and been having pretty intensive activates including ICO, IEO for raising funds and other promoting actions.

On the other hand, people from the real industries are questioning the real using and adoptions for this geek technology, if the blockchain technology could be accepted by most of non-crypto industries or this advanced technology could be easily used in our real life very easily?

Now PCHAIN has handed over our answer — the first Commercial Chain with Qiang Sheng Smart-e. In this week, the first PCHAIN Commercial Chain was launched for Qiang Sheng Smart-e which provides multi-parties information sharing channels for partners in the new travel field, helps to realize the information flow of each travelling participating entities, ensures the authenticity of information, and information security. The collaboration of Commercial Chain will combine the real world requirements and blockchain technology together, make the un-crypto world players involved in the main blockchain business — the main engine factories, the government regulatory departments, the new travel platform, the drivers and the vehicle management units. The new cooperative form will bring all the participants closer sharing the innovative technology to empower the new healthy ecosystem in travelling for all travel participants and supervision departments.

Qiang Sheng Smart-e is based on PCHAIN multi-chain technology, supporting travel participants with decentralized, transparent, traceable, non-changeable, point-to-point transmission based vehicles’ and drivers’ data and ensuring the data security. Meanwhile, according to different government regulatory requirements for vehicle management on different regions, PCHAIN Commercial Chain and Qiang Sheng Smart-e can also provide the third partners with customized new travel solutions and ensure the premier travel service.

About Qiang Sheng Smart-e

Qiang Sheng Smart-e, the first national comprehensive travel service brand in China, is committed to provide comprehensive solutions for the operation of vehicles and practitioners in the new travel market. Qiang Sheng Smart-e aims at realizing the four-in-one travel guarantee for all vehicles, drivers, passengers and operators.


PCHAIN is the world’s first native multi-chain system supporting EVM, with original PDBFT algorithm, unified knowledge graph and smart data Oracle mechanism. PCHAIN is committed to support non-native Token smart contract calls and solve problems like improving blockchain performance, smart contracts loop not closed, too dependent on external data. It will make large-scale industrial applications of blockchain smart contracts possible.

Some References

  1. How to become a PCHAIN Validator node?

2. The System Requirements of Validator

3. The Dynamic Join-and-Exit Mechanism of the PCHAIN Validator

4. PI Token Swap

5. PCHAIN Innovative Technology :PDBFT Consensus Algorithm

6. PCHAIN Innovative Technology :PDBFT 2.0 Consensus Algorithm

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