The Startup Weekly: #17

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Bold Kiln | OperatorVC
Pen | Bold Kiln Press
3 min readJul 5, 2017


Conducting a Social Media Audit

An HBR piece — relax, it’s not heavily academic; this one is bound to help you leverage social media better. It starts off with a guideline on how to conduct a social media audit, and what is the structure you could adopt for the same. The great thing about this structure — each observation is either a problem or an opportunity and can thus directly suggest appropriate action in the social media strategy.

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How much should your startup raise and at what valuation?

More often than not, we’ve seen founders themselves often not sure of how much they should be raising and at what valuation. And for good reason. It truly is a hard one to navigate through, especially if you haven’t done it before. This is a good read, with very to the point numbers and pointers on how much you should raise, and at what valuation to ensure a strong cap table going forward.

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Tony Robbins: The Best Advice I’ve Ever Been Given

The highlights from Tony Robbin’s live chat with Product Hunt, this makes for a very interesting read. Covers a diverse range of topics from where to invest spare money, to the best advice he’s ever been given, to public speaking tips and a lot lot more. An enjoyable, to-learn-from read.

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Every seed stage founder should send monthly investor updates

A couple of weeks ago, we’d shared a piece on MVP Investor Updates. This is a great follow up / reminder to that. Why are investor updates important, right from the get go, and what you should include in them. Read up. Update the folks who’re betting on and trusting you. :)

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How to Design a Better Pitch Deck

As good a time as any for this great piece to be one of the first ones you read from the macro — the new YC blog. Content for a pitch deck is spoken about a lot (and we’ve shared a few pieces on it too); this one talks more about the design and aesthetic aspects. Read up to know how to better design and display the content of your deck.

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4 books every aspiring startup founder should read

Read a description to read an article which talks about which books to read. Taking meta to quite a height here, we’re aware. But really, this post which selects four books for an aspiring (we say even existing) startup founder should read gets it bang on. We couldn’t agree with their selection more. Read up — the article, and the books.

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How to Develop Your Brand Architecture

While originally written for SMBs, this read has a superb structured approach to how to build your brand architecture, and what should it be about. Branding is an important element of differentiation today — and more often than not, one we;re admittedly clueless about. The structure presented here will definitely help move along on the road to building a great and memorable brand for your awesome company.

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The day I became a millionaire

An absolutely fantastic read on what it’s like on the other side of the golden fence — how what really drives happiness and satisfaction isn’t money. We hear this a lot — I just found this to be a non preachy, honest perspective on it, that acknowledges the privileged position one is in, to be able to say that.

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The Shape Of The Curve

A very interesting article, on the key metrics that a startup should track, and how to interpret them. As Anamitra Banerji (ex-Twitter, Yahoo) says here, a picture is worth a thousand words, and in business, so is the shape of a curve.

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Bold Kiln | OperatorVC
Pen | Bold Kiln Press

One stop shop solution provider for startups. We help with Information, Services and Products. We also invest in startups via our partner angel fund OperatorVC.