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Open Letters to Donald Trump
Note from the editor

Open Letters to Donald Trump

Go to the profile of Javid Jamae
Javid Jamae
Product Growth and Engineering Leader
Go to the profile of Dan Walter
Go to the profile of ACL
Go to the profile of CitizenZZero.com
How Democracy Is Supposed To Work
Go to the profile of Tara Dublin
Tara Dublin
Mom. Writer. Voice Actor. Sarcasmic. Petite Flower. Feminist. Foo Fighters Forever.
Go to the profile of Kyle Empringham
Kyle Empringham
Civic engagement and youth empowerment guru; runner, cyclist and frisbee player; Arrested Development fanatic. Views are my own.
Go to the profile of Robert Rabbin
Robert Rabbin
Robert Rabbin is an iconoclastic self-awareness facilitator, personal mentor, leadership adviser, and public speaking guru. Visit: http://www.robertrabbin.com
Go to the profile of Adam Gordon
Adam Gordon
Adam Gordon is actor, comedian and speech coach with a focus on storytelling from San Francisco, Ca. www.adamgordoncoaching.com www.facebook.com/adamgordoncomic
Go to the profile of Analee Miranda
Analee Miranda
Mathematician, researcher, professor, writer, published author, and terrible karaoke singer. I can't be good at everything!
Go to the profile of Tanya L. Domi
Tanya L. Domi
Balkanist, HumanRights,Prof @ColumbiaSIPA @HarrimanInst, Adj Lecturer Hunter College, Prez Advisory Board @PCRCBiH, Host & Editor of The Thought Project podcast
Go to the profile of Mary Hall-Rayford
Mary Hall-Rayford
Unfolding life perspectives as an educator, wife, mother, grandmother, political activist and community advocate- mary.hallrayford@gmail.com
Go to the profile of George N Romey
George N Romey
George Is a writer that focuses on how the never ending economic downturn is destroying the human spirit. He hopes for a better day for the fading middle class.
Go to the profile of Alexis Doyle
Go to the profile of Eder Holguin
Eder Holguin
CDO @Higher Intel — Head of Marketing @Monegraph — CEO @OneQube - Serial Entrepreneur - Crypto Digital Marketing Expert
Go to the profile of Dåniel Høüse
Dåniel Høüse
Writer, music business guy, technologist, creative thinker, music obsessive, political junkie
Go to the profile of Christy P. Novack
Christy P. Novack
Public educator, educational technology specialist, musician.
Go to the profile of Rabiah Damji
Rabiah Damji
My jumbled thoughts in writing
Go to the profile of Thaw America
Go to the profile of The Sad Critic
The Sad Critic
Here I find myself in an endless battle of rants (with myself).
Go to the profile of CaMaKa
Supporter of awareness for invisible disabilities, social servant, dog mom and life partner.
Go to the profile of Sabrina King
Go to the profile of robindhafitz
Entrepreneur, strategist, writer, divinity school graduate, preparing for interfaith ordination
Go to the profile of Yvonne Owens, PhD
Yvonne Owens, PhD
I'm a writer/researcher/arts educator on Vancouver Island and all round global citizen who loves humans even though we're such a phenomenal pain-in-the-ass.
Go to the profile of melissa ledger
Go to the profile of Austin Grossman
Austin Grossman
Author of SOON I WILL BE INVINCIBLE, YOU, and CROOKED. Director of Game Design and Interactive Story at Magic Leap.
Go to the profile of Rob Cee
Rob Cee
Shampoo for my real friends, real poo for my sham friends. https://twitter.com/search?src=typd&q=From%3Atherobcee%20Exclude%3Areplies
Go to the profile of Katherine Alley
Go to the profile of Gwen Frisbie-Fulton
Gwen Frisbie-Fulton
Mother. Southerner. Storytelling Bread and Roses. Bottom up stories about race, class, gender, and the American South. *views my own*