Psychological Effects Of Fragrance On The Human Mind

Nimra Fatima
5 min readApr 6, 2024


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Reviving old culture but a hint of modernity — Monstera Production

Increasing day-to-day pollution and continuous exposure to harmful chemicals have an impact on altering your mood, stress, working capabilities, and sensitivity. It often exposes people to anxiety disorder. This ability varies due to various factors, including gender, age group, semantic information, blood and body type, cultural contributors, and body intake habits, such as alcohol or smoking. When these factors are imbalanced, even your ability to taste and responsiveness to certain food items get influenced due to chemo-sensory perception of specific food odors. Women tend to have more sensitivity towards it than men. As you age, these sensitivities tend to have a higher impact on your psychology and mind responsiveness. Therefore, it is recommended that you should try Fragrance or Aromatherapy to balance the effect as part of your Meditation.

Aromatherapy has been a part of our society since ancient times, and it is still prevalent in today’s contemporary world. In the past, people used natural elements to improve mental, spiritual, and physical health, allowing people to enjoy a better quality of life in terms of personal, mind and body wellness. Aromatic Therapy has been utilized by ancient Indian, Chinese, and Egyptian civilizations for centuries, and it has had remarkable positive consequences. Essential oils and fragrance compounds were used in aromatherapy to treat health issues or direct people to a better sense of calmness. Even today, traditional herbal medicine uses essential oils and fragrances to treat various psychological and physical diseases, which have proven highly effective and have fewer side effects than conventional medication.

There has been an increase in the use of diffusers, fragrances, essential oils, and scented candles as a form of Therapy in the past years, especially in European and American countries. Meanwhile, Asian countries have always been at the centre of aromatherapy for unconsciously using natural herbs as a way to heal themselves. It took them a while to name and acknowledge it. Inhaling fragrances can affect your brain’s electrical activity, leading to changes in your mood and behaviour. It can be used as an effective tool for treating various conditions such as depression, anxiety, and stress-induced disorders. Workplaces, homes, and spa settings have widely been seen using fragrance as a mood lifter. And many individuals now prefer to apply it before sleeping to achieve a calm state of mind.

Effects of Fragrances in Office Settings

Fragrances can increase energy levels, stimulate creativity, or promote relaxation and calmness. The use of Musk, Tonka bean, saffron, crisp citrus notes, and woody undertones in the workplace has been found to improve the productivity and well-being of employees. It is also recommended to use fragrances like herbal and synthetic rose perfumes to increase your employee’s performance and allow them to focus with a fresh mind always. Note that rose, or herbal-based fragrances can enhance attention, speed, task switching, cognitive fluency, and flexibility, positively impacting memory recall and cognitive performance in your employees.

A good fragrance goes a long day of productivity — Skylar Kang

Effects of Fragrances in the Home

People have been seen on social media using aromatherapy at home to create a relaxing and soothing environment. However, it is essential to thoroughly study before ordering a specific fragrance from your favourite website. Learn which fragrance you should opt for. Because often people end up ordering Lemon flavoured flagrance, exposure to essential oil emissions, like lemon oil, can worsen memory sensitivity and cause impulsive decision-making despite shortened reaction times, which negatively impact cognitive performance. Peppermint has a limited impact on brain functioning and does not significantly improve memory recall or mental performance. Most suitable home fragrances include berry-flavoured candles or Jasmine, sea air, cedarwood, and sandalwood essential oils for your diffuser. You can also get coffee or a little cardamom flavour to spice things up!

All the fragnance you need to feel comfortable in your own home — Taryn Elliott

Effects of Fragrances on Students

To help young school going children and even the students to focus better on their academics, with improved academic results without having to nag them 24/7, you should introduce a diffuser or a good aroma candle during homework hours while they study. Or before the kids arrive at school as inhalation of Rosemary essential oil aroma in school and in home settings has shown significant enhancement in their cognition abilities, mainly working memory quality while slowing down memory speed, with a potential for improved academic performance without having the interventions of any synthetic or chemical based solution.

Make sure to buy a cruelty-free, long burn-time Beeswax candle — Neenu Ton

Effects of Fragrance on Your Mood

If you want to uplift your mood, you can always opt for Floral scents, like Japanese plum blossom fragrance, which can enhance memory, speech, and movement-related brain functions, potentially improving emotional health, depression, and memory disorders. Meanwhile, fragrances like Magnolia Kobus flower and pan-fired Japanese green tea can improve memory task performance by affecting brain waves, explicitly decreasing alpha waves in certain regions.

Uplift your mood — Pixabay

Effects of Fragrances on Your Health

Essential oils possess antibacterial and antiviral properties, making them helpful in treating infections. Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial properties. It can treat acne and skin infections while allowing you to inhale its smell, which relaxes your mind. They can even be taken internally if administered in small amounts through inhalation, massage, or superficial skin surface treatments. When inhaled, fragrances stimulate the olfactory system, triggering the release of hormones that help improve mood, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation.

All the essential oils you need to relax — Karolina Grabowska

Fragrances can enhance memory by linking scents to information, aiding recall. Contextual encoding and retrieval can improve cognitive performance, as suggested by the researchers on scent impact on memory. Essential oils and fragrances have shown remarkable results in treating several psychological and physical conditions. However, it is necessary to seek advice from a qualified professional before using them as a form of Therapy, considering their potency and possible contraindications.

Overall, using fragrances and essential oils in aromatherapy has proven to be a safe and effective method for improving mental and emotional well-being. With its growing popularity, more research is being conducted to explore the full potential of aromatherapy as a tool for promoting health and wellness.



Nimra Fatima

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