Go to People On the Move
People On the Move
Global Migrations, Challenges and Responses
Note from the editor

This publication aims to continue the conversation on migrations that was started at the ‘On the Move’ conference held in Oslo, Norway, in October 2016. The conference was co-organized by the International Social Science Council (ISSC), Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences and CROP (Comparative Research Programme on Poverty), and supported by the Research Council of Norway, with support from the Norwegian UNESCO Committee. To find out more about the conference partners, please visit www.worldsocialscience.org (for ISSC); https://www.hioa.no/eng/(for Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences) and http://www.crop.org/ (for CROP). Opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the contributors and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the ISSC and its partners in the On the Move conference. The posts are curated by the ISSC.

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International Social Science Council
We work to increase the production and use of social science knowledge to help solve global problems.
Go to the profile of Lizzie Sayer
Lizzie Sayer
Communications Officer at ISSC
Go to the profile of Dr. Aliyu Barau
Dr. Aliyu Barau
Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Bayero University, Kano. Interested in sustainability, governance, planning & landscape change
Go to the profile of Anna Triandafyllidou
Anna Triandafyllidou
Professor, European University Institute. Directs Cultural Pluralism Area. Teaches at College of Europe. Editor of Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies.
Go to the profile of Manase Chiweshe