First 200,000 carbon kilos retired on the registry

CY Tan
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2021


  • has tokenized carbon from projects in Brazil and Republic of Congo, and built the Carbon Offset Registry
  • Carbon Creatures is our first commercial user — they have bought and retired 200,000 pCO2 carbon kilos on the Registry
  • Carbon Creatures are releasing the first 3000 of their NFTs on 30 October

In line with our previous post, we are excited to announce the first commercial user of our registry, Carbon Creatures. They have retired 200,000 pCO2 carbon kilos representing 200 tonnes of carbon offsets drawn equally from Brazilian and Congolese rainforest protection projects, to support the carbon-neutral launch of their new NFTs.

The first 3,000 of 8,888 Carbon Creatures NFTs will be released on the Polygon blockchain on October 30th 2021. The purchase of each uniquely designed, 3D rendered Carbon Creature will remove 1 tonne of carbon from Earth’s atmosphere.

Images of Carbon Creatures NFTs

Carbon Creatures’ goal “to build awareness among individuals about what they can do to address climate change” aligns strongly with’s mission to use technology to protect the environment.

Carbon Creatures’ use of pCO2 tokens and the Carbon Offset Registry for the development of the Carbon Creatures NFTs demonstrates an increasing recognition of the climate impact from blockchain technologies and a growing demand to mitigate harm through carbon offsets. We believe that natural assets should be available to everyone. Our tokenized carbon means that they are no longer hard-to-obtain assets.

To learn more about Carbon Creatures, join their Discord or follow them on Twitter.

To learn more about’s pCO2 and offset registry, visit the guide for a walkthrough of the retirement process.

The registry is pending audit, we’ll share more updates as it progresses.

Discover our offset registry and follow the journey!

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