What’s next for PERL.eco?

CY Tan
Published in
6 min readAug 30, 2021

Check out our roadmap for Q3 2021 — Q1 2022

Dear PERL.eco community,

It has been a particularly busy month with various partnerships and developments!

We are getting closer and closer to our vision of making the world a better place through the financialisation of natural assets, such as carbon credits and biodiversity assets. At the same time, we also want the DeFi community to have exposure to carbon credits, and our recent partnerships have laid the foundation for this to occur.

Here are some of the highlights of the past month:

✔️ICHI partnership — onePERL
onePERL, the first carbon dollar, was launched by ICHI for the PERL.eco community. onePERL will serve as the new governance token for the onePERL treasury and currently, onePERL minters can stake their onePERL and earn ICHI at 77% APY. onePERL has quickly become the 2nd most staked oneToken across ICHI’s contract with $1.6mm onePERL minted and $1.37mm onePERL staked. We have also pledged to offset all of the emissions from the initial minting of onePERL, in line with our mission.

✔️Shibaswap partnership — PERL/WETH liquidity pool
PERL.eco and Shibaswap launched liquidity mining for the PERL-WETH Liquidity Pool. At the time of writing, community members are able to earn 70% APR by staking their PERL-WETH LP tokens.

✔️Continued UMA rewards
PerlinX is one of the first projects who partnered with UMA eligible for UMA rewards. As of writing, we have distributed $870k worth of UMA rewards to all our pxAsset minters and liquidity providers. Our PerlinX pxAssets will continue to earn UMA rewards until 30 September.

✔️ onePERL/USDC pool on Uniswap
onePERL is now being traded on Uniswap

✔️ onePERL Coingecko listing
Check out onePERL’s statistics on Coingecko here.

✔️ onePERL Nomics listing
Also check out onePERL’s statistics on Nomics here.

Highlights on the Carbon Market

The carbon markets around the world have been exploding and setting new all-time high over all-time highs this year.

  • EU carbon prices hit 58 euros (Up 3x from 20 euros in 2019)
  • New Zealand hit NZ$47.50 (Up 2x from NZ$23 in 2019)
  • California carbon prices hit USD $21.05 (Up 50% from $15 in 2019)
  • Australian units hit AUD $21 (Up 50% from A$14.8 in 2019)

We’re proud to bring accessibility to the carbon markets to every one of you!

Without further ado, after months of planning, we are very excited to share with you the new roadmap for PERL.eco.

[Q3 2021 — Q4 2021]

Tokenized Carbon Credits and Carbon Credit Offset Registry

One of the first natural assets that we are bringing to the community is tokenized carbon credits!

We are proud to announce that we have developed the contract for the carbon tokens and a carbon credit offset registry. These will go live when the smart contract audit is completed, which is estimated to be no later than the end of September. Carbon tokens could be your opportunity to tap into the growing carbon markets, while providing options for you to contribute to climate goals. The Carbon Credit Offset Registry will allow users to retire their carbon credits, check their retirement history and, to ensure transparency, show the amount of carbon credits in the PERL.eco account against the Verra Registry.

Here’s a sneak peek of the Carbon Credit Offset Registry:

Carbon Credit Offset Registry Mock Up

After the carbon token is launched, we will aim to build sufficient on-chain liquidity and from there, we will be able to launch the carbon-backed onePERL. onePERL Treasury proceeds could be used to buy the carbon tokens for backing onePERL, and be used as community rewards. Aside from that, we will be using the tokenized carbon credit to incentivise the community.

Rewards and innovation using onePERL

Aside from working with the community to make onePERL backed by carbon credits, we will also explore a suite of applications for onePERL, allowing both active and passive participants to make the world a better place in various ways. This is in line with our broader mission to democratise ecological assets and encourage people to explore the opportunities of natural assets.

Here are some applications that we will be working on:

onePERL Save

  • Stake onePERL and earn carbon credits at a fixed rate
  • Use these carbon credits to offset your carbon footprint or HODL
  • Broader opportunities in future releases including using the carbon credits as collateral to take up loans

onePERL Lossless Carbon Lottery

  • Stake onePERL and be one of the lucky few to win the carbon credits yielded from all of the onePERL staked in the lottery
  • As the name suggests, the staked principal amount of onePERL remains the same

onePERL Grant

Climate change presents the world’s biggest innovation challenge — and we want to solve it with you. The grant pool aims to be a reserve for carbon deep tech, or offset projects with the aim of reducing carbon or other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Projects who are interested will submit a proposal and upon successful application, there may be a one-time onePERL distribution. The remaining onePERL will be locked in a UMA EMP/KPI options contract, where the project team submits a claim upon achieving the milestones.

We’ll establish a onePERL DAO discussion forum for our DAO members to participate in governance. This discussion forum will be the home for decisions such as grant approvals.

[Q1 2022]

Loans using onePERL

onePERL Lend powered by Fuse

  • Use carbon credits as collateral for taking up loans and get access to funds without selling your carbon credits.

Carbon Token Splitter

Carbon credits will have different market prices based on their vintage, project type, co-benefits or other premium factors. Our vision of a Carbon Token Splitter will enable deeper liquidity and help with the price discovery of carbon credits. It will see the Carbon Token split into 2 parts:

  • Base Carbon: the common part of all carbon credits, and;
  • Project Premium Token: the tokenized premium factor of the carbon project.

Users will be able to buy Base Carbon and any Project Premium Token to combine it into a Project Carbon Token. The Project Carbon Token can then be used for offsetting your carbon footprint or redeemed as carbon credits on your Verra account.

More projects, including NFTs

We have more projects in the pipeline wanting to link up with the PERL.eco ecosystem and onePERL governance and use onePERL in their project. One of the projects we’re working with aims to issue NFTs as a reward for offsetting carbon.

Stay tuned

We can’t wait to share more! As with all blockchain and tech development, the timeline above is indicative only and it is hard to pinpoint exact timing, given there may be unforeseen delays. The PERL.eco team continues to work hard to build products and achieve our vision of bringing natural assets to you in combating climate change.

We are truly grateful for your continued support.

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