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Permit.io transforms the authorization experience by providing developers (and all stakeholders) with a comprehensive, easy-to-use authorization framework — allowing them to connect people and systems in a faster, easier, and more secure way.
Note from the editor

Permit.io transforms the authorization experience by providing developers (and all stakeholders) with a comprehensive, easy-to-use authorization framework — allowing them to connect people and systems in a faster, easier, and more secure way.

Go to the profile of Daniel Bass
Daniel Bass
Dev. community manager @permit.io IRL — Gamer, cat lover, history buff.
Go to the profile of Or Weis
Or Weis
Or Weis, CEO and co-founder of Rookout, the Rapid debugging and observability solution for live systems.
Go to the profile of Or Weis
Or Weis
Founder of Permit.io, Rookout.com, Reactful.com (Acq. By Metadata.io). Writing about: Tech, CyberSec, Entrepreneurship and Science Fiction
Go to the profile of Raz Co.
Go to the profile of Filip