Life is about balance: that’s a very powerful combination of words!

I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can’t truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles” — Zig Ziglar

My own experience balancing my life

The truth is that my life is not characterized by being balanced, I have always tended to put much more time and effort in certain dimensions of it, in a nutshell, I have an obsessive personality. That’s why it’s so important for me to work on balancing my life and relaxing a bit.

It has not been easy for me to understand that I must work on having a greater balance in my life, thus, I worked towards convincing myself that is actually very good to have it. The good news is that I’m on my way to achieving it, by working on it daily, of course there are days in which it is way much easier than others.

When I understood that I should work for a balance in my life, I first defined what were the dimensions in which I needed to work, and I concluded, after getting conscious of my limitations, that I should start giving more time to those I was neglecting (emotional and spiritual). I think the dimensions of a human being are:

· Physical,

· Emotional,

· Spiritual,


· Mental.

Life is about balance: find your own

If you feel you don’t have a balance in your life, the first thing you should do is calm yourself and see your situation with perspective. In order to start working on those areas that you think will make you a more integral (balanced) human being, remember that change is a process and that, over many years, you have built deeply rooted habits, both positive and negative, that are difficult to replace. My invitation is that you understand them and eliminate those that don’t do you any good.

As always, I like to legitimize my words with those of wise and recognized people who have talked about the same topic, in this case I came across with this philosophy of Zig Ziglar, which details a little more what I said earlier about the dimensions of human beings, he called it the wheel of life:

  • Career,
  • Finance,
  • Personal Growth,
  • Health,
  • Family,
  • Relationships,
  • Social Life,


  • Attitude.

The reason for the differences between my point and Zig Ziglar’s one is because I focused on the inside of oneself, while Ziglar makes a combination of both the inside and the outside dimensions, which include external ones that depend on you and that you clearly must take care of. My take is: work firstly in YOU, because that is what you must do before you can manifest better results on your outside (Career, Finance and Family).

I’m not writing these as a recipe with specific “percentages” of what should be a balanced life. I have realized that we all need different amounts of one dimension or another. Simply put: each one of us defines our own balance.

Therefore, I invite you to meditate about the dimensions mentioned in this article and to encourage you to find what works best for you: your own balance of life.

Never forget that life is about balance!

With love and passion for helping you grow,




Daniel Rachid Monici

I am an active person passionate about innovation, sports, finances and personal development.