The Importance Of Making Money: Conclusion

Richard Reis
Personal Finance Series by Richard Reis
4 min readDec 19, 2017
By Richard Reis

Hello dear,

Can you hear the trumpets of victory?? We made it!

You are currently reading the final letter in my “Make Money” series!

In fact, next week’s letter will be the final one in all of Personal Finance Series.

Whew… But let’s save that for later.

Today we’ll summarize everything we learned about making money.


Why Make More Money?

It’s hard to write about making money without sounding like those annoying spam emails.

But I had to try.

Why? Because it’s an incredibly important topic.

I already talked about why making more money should be the focus of anyone who can’t save another cent.

However, after writing about this and gathering your feedback, I realized there’s another (bigger) reason why this topic is important.

That reason is the creation of possibilities.

Once you begin looking for other ways to make money, you start asking yourself great questions. For example:

  • What am I good at?
  • How can I bring value to others?
  • What would I enjoy doing?

The cool thing about each of those questions is they have more than one answer. For instance:

  • I’m good at writing so I could start a blog, write a book, or apply to news websites/ magazines.
  • I can provide value to others by selling them a product I really believe in, starting a YouTube channel to entertain people, or solve a problem people have.
  • I would enjoy a job that involves traveling and/ or being around other people.

You get the idea.

The great thing about these (and other) questions is they’ll allow you to fill in the gaps so you can achieve your dreams.

  • You enjoy writing, but don’t know how to publish a book? Now you know what to learn!
  • You want to apply for a job, but don’t have the skills? Now you know what to learn!

And so on. This is how you grow.

We find this fun, because we’re human. We love improving.

  • When things are stagnant, we’re bored.
  • When things are getting worse, we’re sad.
  • When things are improving, we’re happy!

To recap: Looking for ways to make more money compels you to ask questions which will create possibilities that will force you to improve. This is exciting because it brings diversity to your life and will keep you happy.

And allllllll these goodies happen when you ask yourself a simple question, “how can I make more money?”

That is why this is such an important topic.

How To Make More Money

So how do you make more money? Let’s summarize everything we talked about these past few weeks:

  • Know there are two ways to make money, salaried and nonsalaried work.
  • Salaried means you’ll apply for a job. It would be a good idea to write a resume and cover letter. But try also to do things differently than most people so you can stand out.
  • Nonsalaried means you’ll depend on yourself. Most people do this (and accumulate a lot of wealth) in one of two ways; Real Estate or Entrepreneurship.
  • Currently, many people are building apps (because the cost is so low and the potential reward is so high). But their ultimate goal is to have their apps turn into a startup.
  • Startups are super hard. You can learn more about why here. On the bright side, all you need to get started is a cofounder and a product.
  • Afraid of what could go wrong? ABZ Planning will help you prepare for all scenarios.
  • Think you need a college degree or passion? Make sure you question those conventions.

And that’s it for today!

Thank you for reading my letters. I hope this was valuable to you.

See you next week (follow the series here to be notified).

Be well.


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Since I write about finance, legal jargon is obligatory (because the guys in suits made me). Before following any of my advice, read this disclaimer.



Richard Reis
Personal Finance Series by Richard Reis

"I write this not for the many, but for you; each of us is enough of an audience for the other." - Epicurus