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Cambridge Analytica

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Talk at the Columbia Law School

Jérôme Groetenbriel and myself, co-founders of PersonalData.IO, were invited to speak at the Columbia Law School in New York. At the invitation of mathematician Michael Harris and law professor Bernard Harcourt (both at Columbia), we gave two talks, hosted by the Columbia

Why SCL is concerning, in one picture

I have written extensively about SCL and its affiliate Cambridge Analytica, and helped dozens of journalists write stories about those companies. Why?

Cambridge Analytica and Facebook data

We present here some of the evidence that didn’t make it into a recent series of Guardian articles: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (full disclosure: the author of this piece is credited for additional research on 1 and 3 and has provided some help on the others).

Cambridge Analytica demonstrably non-compliant with data protection law

Over the past couple months, PersonalData.IO has helped at least a dozen individuals exercise their right of access to data processed by Cambridge Analytica, with great difficulty. We even wrote a guide

Quick suggestion for investigating SCL’s and Cambridge Analytica’s data collection

I explain here how to do Subject Access Requests to get access to the data Cambridge Analytica holds about you. This is a legal opportunity, due to Cambridge Analytica’s “establishment” in…