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Imagining a world beyond consumerism(4)

In part one we considered the logic of consumerism in the context of human needs and our current imaginary. In part two we considered what it might take to reshape the imaginary through alternate social and emotional logics with greater intrinsic value. And in…

Imagining a world beyond consumerism(3)

In part one we examined the extraordinary tenacity of consumerism despite the evidence against it, and in part two we alighted on the idea that in order to go ‘beyond consumerism’ it might be necessary to improve what German Philosopher Metzinger calls “the…

Imagining a world beyond consumerism(2)

I ended part one with a rhetorical question and a promissory note about how we might wake up, and go ‘beyond consumerism’.

The first thing to say is that we are already beyond consumerism, but in a diffuse, localised and mostly private…