NSF-Funded Pervasive Data Ethics for Computational Research: a multi-disciplinary project examining the reuse of personal/social data in computational research
Note from the editor

NSF-Funded Pervasive Data Ethics for Computational Research: a multi-disciplinary project examining the reuse of personal/social data in computational research

Go to the profile of Jacob Metcalf
Jacob Metcalf
Tech ethics researcher and consultant. Founder of Ethical Resolve, researcher at Data & Society Research Inst. Dwell in an officebarn amongst the redwoods.
Go to the profile of Katie Shilton
Go to the profile of Casey Fiesler
Casey Fiesler
Faculty in Information Science at CU Boulder. Technology ethics, social computing, women in tech, science communication. www.caseyfiesler.com
Go to the profile of Michael Zimmer
Michael Zimmer
Privacy and data ethics scholar. Director of Center for Data, Ethics, and Society @MarquetteU. Member of @PERVADE_team. I also run @ZuckerbergFiles
Go to the profile of PERVADE: Pervasive Data Ethics
PERVADE: Pervasive Data Ethics
NSF-Funded Pervasive Data Ethics for Computational Research: a multi-disciplinary project examining the reuse of personal/social data in computational research
Go to the profile of Jacob Metcalf
Jacob Metcalf
Tech ethics researcher and consultant. Founder of Ethical Resolve, researcher at Data & Society Research Inst. Dwell in an officebarn amongst the redwoods.
Go to the profile of Katie Shilton
Go to the profile of Casey Fiesler
Casey Fiesler
Faculty in Information Science at CU Boulder. Technology ethics, social computing, women in tech, science communication. www.caseyfiesler.com
Go to the profile of Michael Zimmer
Michael Zimmer
Privacy and data ethics scholar. Director of Center for Data, Ethics, and Society @MarquetteU. Member of @PERVADE_team. I also run @ZuckerbergFiles