Conquering Decision Fatigue: Smart Decisions for a More Energized Life

Decision Making 101
3 min readMar 21, 2024
Photo by Radomir Jordanovic

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of decisions you have to make every day? From choosing what to wear to deciding what to eat, these seemingly trivial choices can add up, leading to decision fatigue. This phenomenon isn’t just a fancy term; it’s a real energy-drainer that can lead to poor choices. But fear not! There are decision-making methods to combat this fatigue and make smart decisions without burning out.

Let’s take a page from the lives of some influential figures. Former President Obama famously wore only blue or grey suits during his time in office, and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg is known for his signature casual attire. Why? They understood the power of simplifying choices to conserve mental energy for more critical decisions.

Photo by Ron Lach

Inspired by their example, I revamped my wardrobe strategy. Instead of sifting through a cluttered closet, I now pair shirts with pants, creating ready-to-go outfits. This small change has been a game-changer, freeing up mental space and allowing me to focus on more important matters.

So, how can you apply this to your life? Here are some tips:

1. Limit Your Options: Too many choices can be paralyzing. Narrow down your options to make selection easier and quicker.
2. Create Routines: Establishing routines for repetitive tasks can save you from decision-making overload.
3. Prioritize: Focus your decision-making energy on choices that truly matter and automate the rest.
4. Delegate: You don’t have to do it all. Delegate smaller decisions to others when possible.

Remember, it’s not about avoiding decisions but rather about streamlining the process. By adopting these decision-making methods, you’ll find yourself making smart decisions more effortlessly, leaving you with more energy to tackle the day.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

So, next time you find yourself bogged down by what seems like an endless stream of choices, take a step back. Reflect on the importance of each decision and whether it’s worth your energy. By doing so, you’ll not only combat decision fatigue but also empower yourself to make smart decisions that enhance your life.

Incorporate these strategies into your daily routine, and watch as you reclaim your energy and decision-making prowess. It’s all about working smarter, not harder. And remember, the goal is to make life simpler, not more complicated. So, start making those smart decisions today and say goodbye to decision fatigue for good!



Decision Making 101

Writer | COO | I am a beginner entrepreneur with many questions. I write about them to help people like me who are starting their Entrepreneurial journey.