Go to PhoneMe
PhoneMe is social media for spoken word.
Note from the editor

PhoneMe project makes it possible for people to create, record, and share their poems about their experiences, thoughts, and emotions inspired by public places and spaces. Our passion is to have a large collection of spoken word poems accessible online and to inspire anyone to be creative and to join PhoneMe dialogue. PhoneMe Project started in 2016 through a partnership with UBC Learning Exchange and the poets of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. In the fall of 2017 we ran recording sessions at Vancouver Public Library nə́c̓aʔmat ct Strathcona Branch. Currently, we are working with secondary schools in the Lower Mainland. Our team is dedicated to wide community outreach and open dialogue. We run public poetry readings, performances and literacy outreach events across Lower Mainland. If you are interested in joining us, contact us, we would love to hear from you!

Go to the profile of Natalia Balyasnikova
Natalia Balyasnikova
PhD Candidate at the Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia
Go to the profile of Ernesto Peña (he/him)
Ernesto Peña (he/him)
[Designer | Educator | Researcher | Immigrant] 🌐 ernestopena.com
Go to the profile of Yuya Peco Takeda
Yuya Peco Takeda
make the familiar strange, find extraordinary in ordinary, notice miscommunication in communication, cultivate other in the self, and so on and so on.
Go to the profile of Kedrick James
Go to the profile of Amber Moore
Amber Moore
@UBC_LLED PhD student. Former @rvsed English teacher. Sometimes writer. Forever Feminist. Embarrassingly excited about all things school.
Go to the profile of dlc@ubc
Digital Literacy Centre | Language and Literacy Education | UBC
Go to the profile of Allan Leung
Allan Leung
Software Developer