Episode #2 — The Art of Asking, User Personas and Maps

Pier 31 Technologies
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2017
M.C. Escher, Day and Night

We started curating a selection of links that we clicked, read, discussed about and felt compelled to share. Here’s the first episode.

This week we learned how to get what we want, we questioned the importance of user personas, and we explored different types of maps.


The Art of Asking
We often don’t have the courage to ask for what we want from those who can help us. It is easier than one thinks, and asking elicits an empathetic response in people. If you make it relevant to the person, and succinct, you’ll be surprised about the results. Want to practice? Ask us something!


Are Personas Ruining Your Product?
This will make you reflect on the importance of doing (a lot of) user research and updating the results frequently, to avoid overlooking the actual user needs.


What is a mind map? A really helpful visual tool that can make web development look super clear. Coggle is a great collaborative software that allows you to create and share your own maps, for free. You should definitely give it a try.


Nick Jones Portfolio
After you are done with mind mapping, Nick Jones portfolio will take you to another dimension. Keep in mind the warning on the first page:

“do not proceed if you suffer from vertigo or find experimental interfaces offensive.”

Finally, another kind of map: over 750 fonts have been categorised by artificial intelligence, based on their relationship. Enjoy getting lost in it!

We hope you enjoyed reading this. Give it a 💚 and share your thoughts on the comments section — we are always up for a good conversation! For more stories, just hit that “follow” button.

