Calling All Humor Writers!

PifflePie wants YOU

Lisa Hides
1 min readMar 6, 2024


Are you bursting with funny ideas but short on time?

Is your family sick of hearing your “jokes”?

Write for us!

PifflePie is a new publication for humor pieces under 500 words.

Things we love:
- Lists
- Listicles
- Short satire
- Uninterrupted sleep

We enjoy relatable content (think: things you’d immediately share with your friends/co-workers/second cousins thrice removed).

Make us laugh! We are two tired moms and we really need those laughs.

PifflePie is a supportive space for new and seasoned writers looking to take a stab at humor writing.

We’d be grateful for any support you can show our new pub, whether that be: writing something, engaging with pieces, organizing a series of airplane banners with the words ‘PiffePie’ in multiple locations, or we’d even settle for a pity follow.

If you’re interested in writing for us be sure to check out our submission guidelines here and follow us here.

Oh and, who/what is PifflePie you ask?
PifflePie may or may not be the name of a random person’s cat (we can’t say much more than that).

So hey, if you won’t do it for us, you should at least consider it for dear ol’ PifflePie.





Lisa Hides

Once voted kinda funny for a mom. Runs on coffee + chaos. Inquiries: