Write For Us! (New Writers Welcome)

PifflePie Submission Guidelines

Georgina Christofi
3 min readJan 12, 2024


PifflePie logo image

Hello! Thank you for your interest in submitting to PifflePie. We are a humor publication dedicated to bringing you short pieces that will hopefully elicit some kind of HA response. We’d love to read your submissions and welcome all writers, although we can only consider pieces that follow these guidelines-

Submissions should:

  • Be short. Please keep it under 500 words. We love lists, listicles, short humor/satire pieces etc. Illustrated lists are great, but no single illustrations or comics, please. We would like at least a few points of text.
  • Be funny. Obviously humor is subjective, but it should demonstrate some knowledge of comedic devices. It should also be specifically written as a humor piece (not a personal story/opinion/advice piece [unless it is satire]).
  • Be respectful. Nothing hateful for the sake of it. Political pieces are probably not a good fit here.
  • Be well written. Please read over and edit your work carefully before submitting it. We are unable to make significant editing changes so your work should be ready to publish.

Your submission must also follow any rules as set out by Medium here.

We’re open to most topics as long as they aren’t too niche. No need to adhere to one kind of humor, we want to hear your individual voice!

Take a look HERE to learn more about us and to get a better idea of what we like.

How to submit

Please send all submissions to pifflepiesubmissions@gmail.com with a link to your Medium draft. Put the title of your piece as the subject in the email.

If you’re new to Medium have a look at some guides on how to write a draft here: https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/articles/225168768

-But instead of hitting publish, you would hit the three dots next to the publish button then select ‘share draft link.’ Copy that link and paste it in the email.

Be sure your piece has a clear Title, Subtitle, and an image.

If your piece is accepted you will be added as a writer and we will tell you what to do next. Please follow the above method for any future submissions even if you have been added as a writer before.

Other things to note

We can only review one submission at a time so please wait to hear back before submitting something else.

We aim to respond within a week. If it’s been over two weeks with no response then please try again.

We’re happy to accept personally published pieces but not pieces that have been published by other websites or Medium publications.

You’re welcome to put pieces behind the Medium paywall if you’d like.

Note: We may promote pieces on social media

Thank you for your interest in our publication! Our aim is to create a fun and supportive place for new and experienced humor writers. So please follow, share and engage with our little community!



Georgina Christofi

Writes words sometimes. Fetches snacks for my toddler most other times.