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Community-sourced technology news and events in Minnesota. #MNTech
Note from the editor

Community-sourced technology news and events in Minnesota. #MNTech

Go to the profile of Jake Good
Jake Good
Ruby developer (formerly @dropio), Scientist, Entreprenuer, Motorcyclist, Car Fanatic, and a father!
Go to the profile of eryn o.
eryn o.
A human writing software for use by other humans. PHP developer & tech lead. Lindy hopper, blues dancer, trapeze flier, beekeeper, LGBTer, feminist.
Go to the profile of Paul Prins
Paul Prins
Living for Restoration and Grace · Advocate of Compassion · Monastic, Pastor, and Founder of @UrbanMonastics
Go to the profile of Jenna
sr developer advocate @awscloud / board @minnestar / she/her / opinions are mine and only mine
Go to the profile of Cody Ogden
Go to the profile of Todd H. Gardner
Todd H. Gardner
CEO and founder | TrackJS and Request Metrics | 💩 JavaScript Happens | Notepad Programmer | Web Development, Performance, and Observability
Go to the profile of Bob MacNeal
Bob MacNeal
Software Product Developer, Writer, Maker & Student of Earth Phenomena
Go to the profile of nicolaus
Code to Live, Live to Code.
Go to the profile of J Wynia
J Wynia
Software Journeyman, Writer and Geek. Solver of problems. Singer of songs. Brewer of beer, mead, and cider. MN Wild fan. Owned by basset hounds.
Go to the profile of Jade Pennig
Jade Pennig
Builder of web things. Amateur travel photographer. Motorcyclist. Lover of adventure, friends, music, and good drinks. Secret world dominator. Opinions = mine.
Go to the profile of Doug Rhoten
Doug Rhoten
Product Manager @ Ford Model e (Full-time) | Head of Product & Cereus (Part-time)
Go to the profile of Baskin Tapkan
Baskin Tapkan
software developer, applications architect primarily working with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C#, AngularJS, NodeJS, RESTful APIs, MongoDB, Python, Arduino
Go to the profile of Jeff Sussna
Jeff Sussna
I help SaaS delivery teams & executives meet the demand for continuously evolving value & dependability. https://www.sussna-associates.com
Go to the profile of Rohn Blake
Rohn Blake
Front end coder & JavaScript zealot. Proponent of testing (but still sucks at it). Dad. Husband. Lineal descendant of Sir Percival (Peretur), ally of Arthur.
Go to the profile of Marc Grabanski
Marc Grabanski
@1Marc - UI/UX Development Consultant. Publisher of http://FrontendMasters.com
Go to the profile of Kristina
Software engineer by day, hardware hacker by night
Go to the profile of Daniel Feldman
Go to the profile of Justin Cardinal
Go to the profile of Timothy B. Smith
Timothy B. Smith
Designer & front-end developer. Writing @brightlycolord. Recovering coffee addict.
Go to the profile of Eric Schapp
Eric Schapp
[Fodder for Banter: Front End Engineer | ND, IA, DC, MN | Twins Fan | Nature and Camping | Startups and Tech Community]
Go to the profile of Dustin Bruzenak
Go to the profile of Ian Fitzpatrick
Ian Fitzpatrick
I do weird things with computers. You too? We’re best friends now. That just happened.
Go to the profile of Megan Derkey
Megan Derkey
I work in communications and marketing, specifically for technology and B2B companies. I’m fascinated by evolving tech and marketing trends.