6 Blogging Hacks that Will Catapult Your Readership (Hack Five)

Ritika (Bajaj) Lalwani
Pink Pinjra
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2017
Image Source: Pixabay.com

You spend time and effort crafting your blog…pouring all your knowledge into it… Only to know that the reader just scans the copy and moves on in less than 30 seconds.

As the clutter increases online, it becomes crucial to develop compelling content that readers want to read completely, and not just skim on the surface…

Bullet points and subheads are good for style and ease of reading, but the reader should want to go beyond them, and read the complete body text.

Is there something that will make them stay?

Yes…it all boils down to the fifth hack in the series…

Add value to the reader

The word ‘value’ can mean different things for different readers…

Some may think hard facts and research are the best ways to understand a subject, others may read for pure entertainment and a sense of ‘feel good’, while still others may look for depth — issues to think about and discuss.

But, more often than not, value for the reader comes from an inherent honesty in the blog… Essentially, the author’s ability to share freely, without holding back.

Every relationship, be it personal or professional, is based on trust…and this trust is built through openness and a sense of inclusion… By inviting the reader to get a peek into your mind and life, and by sharing your experiences and wisdom with the intent to help the other.

Honesty is also about presenting every side of a story and not just the ‘good’ side… So write about how you’ve learned from your mistakes and shortcomings, and admit to the occasional failure too…

When you show readers all shades of your life, you form an intimate connection with them that they soon begin to like and rely on… Eventually they will come back to you for more of your advice, and authentic voice.

A true thought leader and influencer is one who is comfortable being who he is… Because when you’re comfortable in your own skin, you relate well to the reader.

So, craft a good story, give the reader something to take home, but most of all, become brilliant at being ‘you’.

A few months ago, I wrote a blog called The Death of the Monthly Salary, which till date gets read, liked and shared almost on a regular basis.

I realized the reason for its virality was that the content was candid, and straight from the heart… Moreover, it didn’t shirk to call a spade a spade.

I still respond to comments from readers (which has crossed the 100+ mark), and connect with them on issues of having or not having a monthly salary…

Some echoed similar feelings of liberation after they gave up their 9–5 jobs, while others thought it was essential for survival… Either way, the debate is on, and the page still gets hits.

Another way of adding value to the reader experience is by eliciting participation… By inviting readers to comment on your work, and asking them to give you suggestions on what they would like to read in the future.

Once they have written to you, please do respond… The best way to show readers you value them, is by paying attention and replying to their comments promptly.

Takeaway: Think of writing as a deep, long-lasting and intimate connection with your readers…one which requires you to both listen and speak, to trust and grow.

For this to happen, both sides need to bring forth complete honesty and accept each other’s uniqueness. If not, either partner will suffocate, and your relationship will soon fall apart.

So, hold on to your reader…not with what you know, but more with what you would like them to know… And remember, the more you give, the more you get!

Pink Pinjra is about optimizing expression, and if blogging or writing is your chosen medium of expression, we thought you might find this series useful.

If there are avenues of expression that you have expertise in, and would like to share your knowledge with our readers, feel free to write for Pink Pinjra.

You can send us an email on pinkpinjra@gmail.com, or click here to submit your story.

PS: Thanks for taking time out to read the post. If you liked it, do leave a comment, applaud it, share it with your network, or follow Pink Pinjra for similar posts in the future.

If you’ve missed the previous hacks, don’t worry, you can access them here: Hack One
Hack Two
Hack Three
Hack Four
Hack Six



Ritika (Bajaj) Lalwani
Pink Pinjra

I write because it's my passion, because I sometimes make money from it, but mostly because it helps me connect with myself, others & comprehend life better!