New Pinnacle Mini-Events Coming This Summer

Jamsheed Mistri
3 min readMay 30, 2020


We’re really excited for Pinnacle. But due to the unfortunate circumstances of recent months, we’ve had to push Pinnacle back 1 year to September 2021.

This postponement is both a curse and a blessing for us: the Pinnacle team will have ample time to plan for Pinnacle (reaching out to partnering hackathons, raising funds, etc). However, it’s actually too much time — 16 months is a bit too long for us to wait until we host our event.

That’s why, this summer, we’re proud to announce that we’re hosting 3 virtual mini-events — Everest, Fuji, and Olympus — presented by Pinnacle.

Now, when we originally came up with the idea for these mini-events, we didn’t want to simply host yet another virtual hackathon like everyone else. At Pinnacle, we strive to host unique events in every aspect possible: and you’ll see that we’ve thought through each aspect of our 3 mini-events to make them unique yet exciting nonetheless.

Everest is essentially a hackathon with a loose prompt (for example: build a Chat Bot). The prompt will be announced at the opening ceremony of Everest. For 3 days, work with a team of peers to create a product, and in the process, learn valuable skills that will transfer over to your career. With monetary prizes and tickets to Pinnacle on the line, you won’t want to miss this one.

Fuji is our unique take on a hackathon with 3 specific genres for hackers to commit to. Each track will contain a prompt to stimulate your creativity in that genre (i.e., UI design, game development, etc). We will announce the different genres and their corresponding prompts prior to the event so each hacker can choose their specific route.

Olympus is our vision for an ultimate CTF experience, brought to you by our participating hackathon events. Work in small teams to solve questions in many categories of computer science, collecting points in a race to the top. May the best hacker win.

You might be asking: “Cool, but why should I attend?”

Well, each mini-event won’t just be busywork:

- We’ll have tons of fun mini-mini-events (mini-ception) throughout the duration of the events
- We’ll have guest speakers, workshops, and panelists streamed live
- There will be 💰 monetary 💰 prizes
- If you win, your entire team will get tickets to Pinnacle 2021 🛫
- You’ll be able to add these projects to your portfolio, and learn important skills that will transfer directly to your career

To top it off, we’re partnering with Jumpstart this summer to bring these awesome event experiences to as many students as possible. Jumpstart is a leading university recruiting platform for students and companies in tech. If you haven’t checked it out already, you’re missing out!

“Sounds awesome, count me in!”

Glad to have you on board! Signups will open on Jumpstart soon. You can also subscribe to the Pinnacle mailing list on our website for future updates.

Interested in joining the organizing team? Apply here!

