Photo by Jakub Kusiowski on Unsplash

How I Entered into The Elite Club of Pinterest as a Creator!

Sweta Sharma
Pinterest Marketing Tips
7 min readMay 22, 2024


(Try this if you want to learn from the Top 1% )

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” African Proverb

The proverb stated above is very apt when it comes to building your personal brand as a content creator.

I mean, just think, how bigger the magnitude of your actions could be if you can find more and more people that resonate with your vision.

People who can actually make you better.

People who can guide you in doing what you’re trying to do in the best possible manner.

I can assure you that the impact would be HUGE.

That’s why I love connecting with people who are 10x better than me, because when you surround yourself with folks who’re better than you’re you are more likely to learn something new.

Something that’s RAW yet very valuable.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

When I took the decision of starting my journey as a Pinterest creator, one of the biggest challenges for me was to LEARN THE BASICS.

Because once I’ve an idea about the basics of a platform, then only I can proceed towards the more complex stuff.

So, I watched every video on YouTube that’s related to Pinterest, and that’s how I got the basic know-how.

Apparently, I started creating content.

It took me a lot of time to figure out what actually works.

One major reason behind this delay could be my 9–5.

As a newbie Pinterest creator, one thing that was bothering me was the — authenticity of the information that I’m receiving.

The reason being, all the content that’s available online isn’t always reliable and you need to filter it out.

Now, if you’ve some experience it becomes easier to do that, but if you’re a complete newbie, you may have a ton of questions in your mind which you want to hear and answer.

Though I’m trying to put everything related to Pinterest in my publication, if you want to know about a platform where you can get authentic information directly from Pinterest, then this post is just for YOU😊.

Whenever I’ve any query related to Pinterest, I solve it by using either of the below-mentioned ways:

  1. By Contacting Pinterest Support (It’s pretty simple, so, I won’t be discussing it in this post.)
  2. By Asking About it in the Pinterest Community

The Pinterest community is an amazing way to get your questions answered.

Not only this, you get to know about the latest updates on Pinterest, if you’re a part of this community.

Snippet of Pinterest Update

How to Join the Pinterest Community?

There are two ways of doing this.

First, go to your Pinterest profile and click on ‘Settings’.

Now, click on the last option i.e. Branded Content.

You’ll see three options here. Click on the last one — ‘Get Support from Pinterest Creator Community.’

Fill in the basic details.

Once you’re inside the community, you need to introduce yourself to get started.

This is an example of my introduction⬇️

You also need to introduce yourself to other creators.

But, don’t expect your first post to be approved within seconds.

It first needs to be approved by the Community Manager/Pinterest Team.

You’ll receive mail once your post is approved.

Snippet of Author’s Mail

After the introduction, you’re supposed to complete your profile.

You’ll see these little badges when you’ve completed your profile.

The whole Pinterest community is divided into different sub-communities, as stated hereunder ⬇️:

  • Welcome Center: This is where new users can find guides and tips to get started on the community.
  • Community for Advertisers: This community is designed specifically for individuals or businesses looking to leverage Pinterest’s advertising platform.
  • Community for Merchants: For people selling things, this community offers support on setting up online stores and improving sales.
  • Community for Creators: If you’re a content creator, this community is a goldmine for you. Here, you can find answers to your content-related queries, get invaluable tips, and receive support to grow your audience.
  • Community for Developers: If you’re into building apps or tools for Pinterest, this is the perfect spot for you. Get the technical help you need and connect with fellow developers here.

I hope now you’ve an idea about the functioning of each community.

The next thing is to use these communities to gain required information.

Let’s say you’re a content creator and want to know how to grow more followers on Pinterest.

You can do that by following the given method.

First, select the community.

Then, click the ‘Tags’ drop-down arrow and look for the keywords related to your query.

The moment you click on any tag, you’ll see a bunch of queries related to that keyword along with the responses.

Look at the given example!

And, this way you can get the answer to your queries absolutely for FREE.

Bonus Hack!

You can also chat with the Pinterest Community Manager, in case you want more specific information😊

Final Thoughts🎯

Join the Pinterest community, interact with fellow creators and refine your content strategy to get more success on the platform.

See you in the next value-packed article.

Till then, keep learning, keep growing!

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

If you’re on the lookout for content related to Passive Income, Digital Marketing, AI, etc. tap that ‘Follow’ button and be a part of my amazing community.

It feels great to have awesome people in team❤️

PS: I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

Feel free to drop a comment or message. Your input makes this journey even more special. 🌟



Sweta Sharma
Pinterest Marketing Tips

Hey, I'm Sweta🙌 an editor turned content creator. I'm here to help you create, grow, and monetize🚀Join the Clan ➡️