PirateChain June 2019 Update

Pirate Chain
Published in
7 min readJul 17, 2019
The most private crypto… was not very punctual this month with the update… Thank you for your patience.

Well, It’s far into July but June was quite an eventful month.
Thanks for sticking with us while creating the most private coin crypto has seen to date… and a special thanks to all of our new contributors recently.

Security Updates

- Integration & Development-

  • www.arrrmada.com —A site where you KNOW all the shops listed accept your chosen crypto! We are now live with a site to search for stores that accept $ARRR as a payment. Arrrmada.com currently has over a dozen stores that accept crypto. Soon, we will integrate a Twitch streamer page. As a streamer you can use our plugin and accept $ARRR. We plan to embed all of the twitch streams on www.arrrmada.com to show a live feed of the streamers that accept $ARRR as a donation method. The site will house all of our self sovereign as well as our managed cryptocurrency checkout methods. Stay tuned for more.
If you want to accept ARRR and be added to the sire, please fill out the form found at www.arrrmada.com
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  • E-Commerce Plugin Bounties! — We ran a bounty announcement for E-commerce solutions for Pirate. We now have a handful of new options. This includes self sovereign and a managed option. If you are a store and use plugins for accepting crypto on OpenCart, Shopify, Wordpress, WHMCS or custom HTML options, please reach out to see if we can now integrate your store. If you needed some assistance with this, we have a great partner in CryptoCurrency Checkout who provides a fantastic service to less technically skilled users. This service is free to users and shopkeepers thanks to our collaboration and the fantastic people in charge of this service. Stop by discord for more info and ask @!ratstang for some help!

We still have a need for a handful of Plugins. Stop by discord if you are a developer familiar with shopping cart plugins not listed above.

The bounty is not meager. Thank you!

Thanks @LordTricky for your hard work!
  • OpenCart Plugin Module — LordTricky runs a webstore and created a module for users to accept $ARRR when using OpenCart. Please visit his Steemit article here for more information and a step by step guide on how to run this self sovereign and free to use plugin for your webstore today.
  • STREAMER DONATIONS! — You are now able to donate $ARRR to your favorite streamers on Twitch, Youtube. You can also do the same for users on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram! Stop by discord to find out how! https://pirate.black/discord/
Thank you @strobfx for this awesome Discord GIF — https://pirate.black/discord/
Use this to house your Pirate Full node from Jane
  • https://thecryptocloak.com/ — In order to house your new Pirate Full node (releasing in July), the CryptoCloaks folk have made an AWESOME 3D printed housing for your newest secure method of sending payments over the Pirate Network. More to come soon on this fantastic addition to the project users security.
  • PirateChain Media Kit — This link will give you a collection of excerpts from articles, users and developers talking about the project. There is a list of Videos, podcasts and more at the bottom of this list. You will also find the design and art guidelines for third party use. We are always looking to add to this so if you have any interesting ideas, let us know!
Exchanges have seemed to handled their z address wallet woes and trading is going on smoothly everywhere except CryptoBridge.
  • Exchange Integrations — The month of June saw 4 new exchange/trading listings or announcements for Pirate. Wallet woes have been alleviated for all new exchanges except CryptoBridge. We are currently working hard to help them get back online. Altilly and TradeCX are new exchanges. Be sure to treat your funds as not your own and to ALWAYS keep your funds OFF exchanges when not actively trading.
  • https://tortuga.black — A safe way to OTC trade with anyone. Wallet to wallet. Private and public offer options. $ARRR supported across the board! This is a project we have been very excited about since December of 2018! Please give it a try and experience trading freedom.
  • https://graviex.net/markets/arrrusd — NEW USD Pair!!!
  • https://tradecx.io/markets/arrrbtc
  • https://www.altilly.com/market/ARRR_BTC

- In the news -

We did not solicit or pay for this coverage, but we love it!

… and we really had no idea this was being done. It is nice to see the nod to our hard work from a solid news outlet. We really do feel like the best of Zcash and Monero, with our own privacy enhancing flavors added to the mix.

ARRR to be listed on a big exchange soon.

At the time of the commitment, they were a top 20 exchange by adjusted volume. We’re working hand in hand with the team to ensure smooth trading and no exchange wallet issues like a couple of the exchanges Pirate is listed on have had. Stay tuned for more on this.

- On the Horizon -

We are really excited to see what else @Turinglabs and the team has in store for users.
  • Old Buccaneer the Twitter rewards bot — Pirate has some really cool developers and contributors. This past month, was very busy. In addition to the hard work on The Hub release from Kalkulus team, he crafted the first iteration of our social media rewards and interaction bot. @OldBuccaneer is a twitter bot that rewards users for mentioning @PirateChain on their own. The bot will send you a Private Key to import into your wallet, which will be destroyed upon your confirmation of receipt. It’s the first step to create a decentralized solution for these social media and third party website interaction bots.
  • Pirate Chest Full Nodes — Security has never looked so good. Our goal is to bring you this affordable and safe way to interact not only with Pirate, but with Komodo, Monero, Zcash, PIVX, ZeroCoin and Bitcoin, all in a convenient little package. Launching in July and Shipping in August, these little boxes are so very capable. We will have them preshipped with the blockchains of your choice and the Seven Seas Gui wallet. Keep your eyes peeled for a guide to help even the saltiest of greengills learn how to use a full node to protect your precious booty.
Coming soon to a privacy buffs desk near you!

- Don’t touch that dial…-

June was busy and July has some really fantastic things coming together including the Pirate Notary Services startup, and a media announcement collaboration we really think will knock your trench coat off if you’re the type to choose the red pill over the blue pill…

— — — For more on our project visit https://pirate.black — — —

One of the captains of the PirateChain Galleon

This was written by FishyGuts @2ndoldest on Twitter@FishyGuts#5085 on discord. He is one of the captains on the pirate ship of privacy, PirateChain. $ARRR is a privacy coin with 100% private peer to peer sends only. No outside user activity will compromise your privacy or activity on the chain. We are always glad to talk about the project so please reach out!

Contributors are ALWAYS welcome so please reach out anytime you have an idea!

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Pirate Chain

The most private Zcash fork — 99.99% shielded funds with double spend protection from dPoW. https://Pirate.Black