PirateOcean Wallet Guide

Pirate Chain
Published in
10 min readMar 15, 2019

A cryptocurrency wallet is like a bank account. It is an application run on your computer or mobile phone that allows you to interact with the blockchain.
This application will allow you to send funds, receive funds and manage your wallet addresses, similar to account addresses and the functions of a bank.

This guide will walk you through setting up a PirateOceanQT wallet step by step on Windows, as well as show you how to secure your funds in case anything happens to your computer or wallet installation.
Please follow all the steps in this guide to ensure you have performed the best practices when securing your wallet data. This guide will work for many other Cryptocurrencies so become familiar with it and the steps involved.

Some of you may be familiar with these wallets, some of you may not. This guide will assume you have never setup and secured a cryptocurrency wallet before. If at any point you get stuck, please stop by our discord if you have any more questions or specific needs with your setup. Our pirates are GLAD to help! Discord is a PC or mobile app for communication in our community.

LET’S BEGIN — You will need a pen and paper or 2 USB sticks in this guide.

Step 1.
Download the PirateOcean wallet from Github. This wallet is developed by our community contributor ComputerGenie.
Please download the appropriate operating system version, i.e. linux.7z, mac.zip or win.zip.

Download the appropriate file for your operating system

Step 2.
Find the downloaded file, PirateWallet in your appropriate system folder, and extract the contents to your system folder.
In Windows, go to the Downloads Folder. Right click on this file and Extract all to C:\ProgramFiles

Find the downloaded file in the appropriate downloads folder, right click to extract all…

Step 3.
You will now have a new folder labelled PirateOcean. Inside this folder is a file to be run PirateOceanGUI.exe. I like to right click this icon and “Send shortcut to desktop” for easy location of the wallet.
When you run this file, you may get warning that it contains a virus. Click on “More Info” in the top left in order to get the window below and allow Windows to run this application.

Click “More Info”…

Our developer, ComputerGenie, has personally reached out to all of the major providers of the software and has been assured that there is no virus. This message persists due to Cryptocurrency miner software.
We will be working to remove that portion from the wallet in a future release so we can hopefully avoid these needless warnings.

Rest assured, through diligent effort, ComputerGenie verified with many AV programs that this is an erroneous error message and won’t affect our users computers.

After this, you will be given a warning from windows firewall to which you ONLY want to choose Private networks, and not public networks. This applies to all Cryptocurrency wallets.

Only allow private access for any crypto wallets you install now and in the future.

You might need the zcash params here and you can run ~/komodo/zcutil/fetch-params.sh to obtain them.
Step 4.

Let the blockchain sync.
Grab a snooze overnight. But seriously, the blockchain will begin to sync and this can take up to 24 hours depending on the speed of your computer.
Leave your computer running until the blockchain syncs. You will know it is done when the block height on the explorer matches the block height in your wallet. Visit the explorer here to determine the current block height.

Explorer block height on the left

You can find the block height in your wallet by hovering your mouse pointer over the check mark in the lower right hand corner.

If you would like to take a break, you can do so now and wait for the chain to sync. Proceed to step 5 if this is your choice.
If you want to speed up the process, please follow these steps.

4a. In order to speed this process up to only a few minutes, exit out of your wallet that has opened. We are going to download a recent version of the chain, what’s known as a Bootstrap.

4b. Download the Pirate bootstrap file. This is a complete copy of the block chain history, so it doesn’t have to be downloaded block by block. This will take a minute so continue on.

The link is at the bottom. A 7-zip link is available if you don’t have an extraction program already.

4c. Next, find the Pirate folder in your computer and open it. It should be under C:/users/%username%/AppData/Roaming/Komodo/PIRATE

If this was your first install of a wallet, it may be in the original folder we saved it to, C:/ProgramFiles/PirateOcean

4d. In this folder, you will rename the two folders named “blocks and chainstate” to “blocks.old and chainstate.old”.

4f. Find the folder you just downloaded, it should be complete by now, ARRR-bootstrap.tar.gz and unzip this to your wallet folder directly, or to a separate new folder you create on your desktop, then move the two folders “blocks and chainstate” to the same folder you were just in, C:/users/%/AppData/Roaming/Komodo/PIRATE

I made a folder “Bootstrap” for my desktop and unzipped it here.
Here you can see both the .old files and the new unzipped ones from the bootstrap.

4g. Now reopen your PirateOcean wallet. You can click the shortcut on your desktop I mentioned to make earlier or by going to Program files/PirateOcean. The block height should be closer to the actual height and should only take about 5–20 minutes to sync. Grab a drink and wait for this to finish. Once this is done we can work on a wallet address.

Step 5.
In the wallet interface, let’s obtain a new wallet address (account address).
Click on “File” at the top, and Receiving z-addresses in that menu. A new box will appear with all of your z addresses associated with the wallet.dat file (we will get to that .dat file in a minute).
Click on New to see how easy it is to create a new receiving address.

Any new addresses you create and have coins sent to it, will all aggregate their balances on your main wallet page. So multiple addresses can be used by one wallet for added security and privacy.
All of these addresses you create here do not need to be managed individually but they can be, again, more on that later.

What you need to do now is VERY IMPORTANT. This is how you are able to secure your funds in the case of a computer outage, or if you want to access them on a new computer in the future.

Step 6.

We are going to secure your Private Keys and Wallet.dat file. These are the ONLY ways for you to recover your wallet and access to your funds in case of an issue. There is no customer service or password reset.

Do this right.
Make sure you are in a secure place where there are no cameras or people to watch what you are doing. I know it sounds silly but this is “New money” so you wouldn’t share your account info in public for your bank. Don’t do it with this.
Get a pen and some paper or two USB sticks. This is the most secure way to save this next information. You can hand write the private keys or copy/paste them to a .txt file and save it to two different USB’s, yes two. I have seen them get corrupted. Just like with real bank accounts and credit cards, some malware programs are designed to scan computer files for Private keys so be sure to delete the file from your computer when you are done and have verified they are correct.

Do not print these out.
Unless you want to learn how to run a machine offline and clear a printer memory cache, I suggest pen and paper or USB. I repeat, you will need to do this for ANY AND ALL z addresses you plan on holding funds in. So any time you create a new address, be sure to save this info, or transfer funds in these addresses to one that you hold immediately.

6a. Go to the Receiving z-addresses again under “file”. Right click on one address and copy the address.

6b. Go to the “Help” button at the top and choose “Debug Window”, then choose the “Console” tab.

6c. Type z_exportkey YOURZADDRESSHERE in the command line at the bottom.

6d. A return will pop up with your address and your associated Private Key. It will begin with “secret-extended-key-main1” and alphanumerics which ALL must be saved.


If someone has this, they have your funds, simple as that.
This whole phrase can be entered into a wallet in the future with the prefix `z_importkey` to restore your wallet and funds, so keep two copies of it in separate places safely, so that if something happens to one, the other will not be subject to the same fate. It is important to have 2 copies of this. Imagine if you had mined 100 BTC back in 2009 and lost the Private Keys?!?!?!

6e. Back inside the Folder C:/users/%username%/AppData/Roaming/Komodo/PIRATE there is a file labelled “wallet.dat” We want to save a copy of this as well to each USB stick.

Wallet.dat — Save this to the USB sticks — It will need to be updated if you add new addresses.

This can also be used to restore a wallet that has had an issue. This is not as secure as the private key method above, so please perform both actions to ensure total safety of your funds.

That is it! Your wallet is not only ready to use, but you have performed the advanced actions of securing your private keys so that if there is an issue with the computer or files in the future, you will still be able to access your funds from a fresh wallet install. You’re kind of a hacker, level 1 now!

Receiving Funds

Receiving ARRR from a payee is as simple as providing them with your address which begins with zs1. This is the address you can find in your “receiving z addresses” in the “File” tab.
If you are using the Shopify plugin or the Wordpress plugin, each respective guide will show you how to input your receiving information to tie it to this wallet.
You will go to the “File” tab, click receiving addresses. Copy your preferred zs1 address and send it to your payee. That is it! They will use that to send funds requested to your wallet. It should show up in approximately 1–5 minutes with another 10–20 minutes for confirmations to make it spendable.
In the future we hope to have simple invoicing and QR code payments for said invoices. Be on the lookout for that!

Sending Funds

Sending ARRR to a recipient is simple.
A. You will first need their zs1 address from their wallet.
B. You will go to the Zsend tab

C. In the top box choose which address you want to send from. Input the recipients address in the receiving box. Next enter the amount you want to send. At the bottom click send.

D. A popup will appear asking you to confirm the amount to be sent and the address you are sending to. Always be sure to check the addresses twice as once it is sent, there is no going back. The wallet will automatically add the 0.0001 ARRR fee to the transaction.

E. (Optional) Until the function to share the wallet data is included in Zcash, you can save the OPID and TXID.

These are the records needed to share with users if you are interested in proving transactions. You can keep these in a separate excel spreadsheet or some other method to keep them in order.

Optional guides for linking your Pirate Wallet to your Payment Portals

Here is how you can link this to your Shopify Payment Plugin.

Here is how you can link this to your Wordpress Payment Plugin.


You have Downloaded a wallet, secured it by saving your private keys and wallet.dat file. You have also learned how to send, and receive funds as well as how to track private funds and prove transactions with the OPID and TXID.
Please stop by our discord if you have any more questions or specific needs with your setup. Our pirates are GLAD to help!

Thank you for reading,

Written by FishyGuts @2ndoldest on Twitter — @FishyGuts#5085 on discord

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