Part — II — Get Higher Response Rate From These Cold Emailing Techniques

Rashika Dass
Published in
8 min readMar 15, 2017

No response! Still Knocking at unanswered Inbox Door with your same old Sales Pitch ?

Your prospects give you this reaction mostly ?

Let me help you draft an effective cold mail.

Frankly, No one really enjoys sending out cold emails, but you learn to feel a lot less awkward and squeamish about it when you start to see some return. If you’re in the early stages of starting your business, cold emailing is often the only option you have while you work on building a more qualified list. The question is, how can you send better cold emails than the ones you receive (which are terrible). These techniques will help you learn how to write great cold emails.

People have given a kick start to their startups through Effective Cold Mailing. In fact as the most basic approach, we began with our sales through Cold Mailing. We sent out a set of mail to our prospects. Initially, responses were not that great. But we persisted and iterated our approach through reading and testing.

A/B Test Mission On! Test & Learn.

How did we learn the Hack ? Drafted out different approaches of Cold Mailing. Some approaches came through reading and some through brainstorming. Danish, Founder of PixelGenie, keeps encouraging us to think out of the box. Things that create issues, think about it and create solutions to it. We came out with a bunch of approaches. Finally, we found a few effective principle to nail cold mailing.

These steps are Tested and Tried. Effective and assured ways to get response from your prospects.

These are 10 secrets/hacks you cannot afford to miss out.

Our recent blog post titled “Get higher response rate through this cold mailing technique — Part I”, we discussed the basics of personalized cold emails and offered some simple hacks on how to expect results. Today in Part II, I want to share simple steps to get the best result out of Bulk Cold Mailing.

“Two things cold e-mailing require is patience and persistence”, and if you persevere, you will be rewarded. I am always surprised by who I get to meet, and if you follow these guidelines, you will too.

I have divided this into three parts

· What should the mail have ? (Content)

· How should your mail be ? (Feature)

· What all should you do for effectiveness ? (Activity)

A. Content :

  1. Your mail must:

Stand out

Have you attended a campus recruitment?

You and the rest of your class, having the same background, same education, same training to show the interviewer. Yet only a few of us get selected. Why?

Because they show not the commonalities, they show why they are different and better from the rest.

Exact same science to apply here. Ten other companies with same service, send out emails to your prospects every day. What will get you the deal ? showing how you are different from others.

Read your current email, This is what everyone else is also doing. What you need to do is something different than this. Be innovative, Be different.

(Get inspired by a few templates: HubSpot Template for Cold Mailing)

2. Important part to skip in mail content ?

Skip introducing yourself

Don’t waste time and space introducing yourself.

If they find your work valuable and attractive. They will take the effort to find out about you through your signature. Remember to keep your mail short. Hence utilize the space to show what you have to offer and why they should notice your offer.

Use the mail body to introduce your offers not yourself. Try to emphasize on What And Why.

3. How do we close our mail ?

Close it with an ‘Interesting’ Question.

I have seen many people asking for a good time, convenient time. Even when I began with cold mailing, I use to be behind people asking for a small meeting, a quick call. But I learnt and it has given me a better response.

Ending with a question like: Are there any particular industry that gets good clients? Or What strategy are you using for your content marketing? Like you are asking for that initial information someone has, before taking up any service. Ask question that gets them to spill out that information they have in their head.

For Ex: If I want to build a website, But I do not have the expertise. Hence I am looking for a service provider. But one thing that I know is either a reference website or feature list. With this information on mine, I want my service provider to help me. So target to get that information in your question.

This will usually get them to respond with their need or issue and a request for more information. Now you can get them on the phone.

4. Why should you use P.S. in a mail ?

Use it to get most important point across to your prospect. Its quite an important part of the mail.It acts as a summary.

Mails are majorly read while traveling on Mobile App. Many of the reader generally skip the entire part and scroll right to the end. Here is when your P.S. plays an important role. It can make the reader respond or read the mail.

Check out some examples that you could use:

P.S.: If you are not the right person to speak with, who do you recommend I talk to?

P.S. If you don’t want to hear from me anymore, just let me know

P.S. As a reminder, this product/service will not only save you money, but it will save you time, something almost as valuable. (Money Saving Firm)

5. What about your Signature?

What’s there in a Signature, just make some generic. Here is where we are wrong.

An attractive and detailed signature adds more trust and credibility to the readers.

What all is needed:

  • Your Name.
  • Company Name/Logo.
  • Your designation.
  • Your address.
  • Contact Number.
  • Contact Email.
  • Your Professional Photo (not mandatory, however gives a elegant touch and the readers feel nice to know the face of the person).
  • Your social media links to show your credibility.

Your Signature, acts as your introduction that we spoke about skipping in the mail. Let the mail sell your concept and signature introduce you. Wow lots of space saved. Now the mail can be shorter.

Get amazing signature designed for free on HubSpot Email Signature.

6. How does Subject Line help ?

Subject line acts as a Title of a Book.

While purchasing the book, we gauge its content by the title, book purchase decision. Similarly, the first thing a reader gets to view is the name and the subject line. Only the subject line has the power to convince the recipient to read the mail.

Things to keep in mind while drafting a subject line:

  • Try to mention their name — Noticing one’s firm name or own name in the subject line, make the reader interested to know the purpose of the mail. For Bulk Mailing, there are different automated tools which can help you insert every prospects name with their email id.

One of the automated tools that we refer to is I will very soon share my entire experience with This will help you understand how to make bulk cold mailing fun, efficient and time saving.

  • Experiment with questions — Let your subject line be a question that your reader might have in mind. If he/she find someone referring to same question in his mind. He would definitely want to read it. The mail body should have the answer to that subject line question.

Ex: We offer social media marketing and management at PixelGenie. Our subject line would be “Looking to use social media to grow by 30%?” To match the subject line as question that he might be thinking.

Keep experimenting with the subject line. It should not be more than 7–8 words.

B. Features:

1. How should your Language be ?

Informal yet Decent.

“ Informal is the athletic clothing of ideas ” — Paul Graham.

I had mentioned this in my earlier post as well. Trust me, it’s experimented. The top authors and entrepreneurs have tried and tested and so have we. You will be able to make a better connect with simpler & easy going language.

Read your mail out loud once and check your flow. Like you are speaking face to face with someone.

2. What is the most important feature your mail ?

It’s Short

Being short is not always bad

Make mail draft shorter and final mail shortest.

Do not waste your time in drafting huge mails, your prospects are not going to waste their time going through a huge story. Write straight to the point.

You are free to write whatever you wish to, if it gets your customers to invest their time. You wish to tell them a story that they can relate to and ultimately create the urge in them to check out your service. Go ahead but keep it as short as possible. Why ?

  1. Long things are scary, as they take a lot of time.
  2. Human attention span is very short and it’s dropping by the year (12 sec — 2000 to 9 sec in 2015).

Keep it two to four sentences and 5 sentences at the MOST. — Justin McGill

C. Activities :

1. Follow Up! Again and Again and Again

Do not give up! If someone doesn’t respond, don’t give up. Keep following up with them.

Is it not annoying? Of course it is. But this what readers will appreciate. They will appreciate your persistency. Some respond may be out of frustration but you are getting a break through. That is the whole motive.

Follow ups should be done in 3–7 working days. Do not follow up daily on cold mails, unless required.

2. Consistency

You need to do an outreach every single day.

This will make sure that your pipeline has not dried up. However, the situation be. Send out mails every day.

Keep a fixed time for sending out bulk cold mails. Use an automated tool for faster work.

In conclusion, Cold mailing is not spamming if done in right context. In fact its one of the best ways to build trust and loyalty among your prospects. And I am confident, following above guidelines, will definitely improve your response rate for your cold mailing campaign. Test and try and keep trying. Do not give up. Cold Mailing is the secret to best sales and greater closure.

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Rashika Dass

Growth Marketer | Certified Inbound Marketer| Business Head