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Planet 4
Planet 4
Planet 4 is the codename for the software powering Greenpeace.org websites. This project is developed using open principles, and this Medium Publication will be the central hub for news and updates pertaining to the Planet 4 project. Learn more at planet4.greenpeace.org
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Past the Prototype

Planet 4 Looking Forward

Table Of Contents:
Version 2 (V2): P4 MLP

V3: Personalisation: Give more User Control
V4: Visualizing Impact: Show us the data
V5: Let’s get social: We all want a better world
V6: Let’s get local: Charity begins at home
V7: UGC + Content…

Planet 4 is software, not a design

In the latest Engagement Community Call two provocative agenda items drove the community — organisation — tech discussion: , the first “We suck at International Campaigning” and the second “Is the Greenpeace brand dying?