#WagePeace Within — In Stressful Times Inner Peace and Love Are the Way

It’s been difficult to watch the eruption of discord and violence that has been all around us recently. A lot of us are finding it challenging to know how to respond, especially as our deep-seated urges for peace and stability seem to be called into question.

We need to lead by example. We need to channel our grief and anger into real change. We need a revolution of love and we need everyone to participate.

It seems so difficult to create change, but with peace and love in our hearts, we can. Small acts of love and kindness, multiplied by the masses, will lead to the peace we all want.

The shift is in progress, but we need to continue to rally.

Here are 10 ways to discover the peace and boundless love within you, and to share it with others:

  1. Educate yourself — spirituality, philosophy, and other reflective practices will help you find your center, and will keep you grounded in these tumultuous times.
  2. Cultivate awareness, compassion and empathy to help you understand diverse points of view and to respond appropriately.
  3. Learn to use your voice to promote the world-view that is most meaningful to you — read and watch things that make you feel good and don’t forget to share them with others!
  4. Engage in daily practices to re-connect with your body — yoga, surfing, hiking, walking, and meditation will add a bit of zen to your days.
  5. Treat yourself well — endulge in pleasures that engage your senses, like massage, dancing, and aromatherapy. Invite loved ones, too, and foster the peace between you.
  6. Bond with those closest to you — doing fun things together and learning new things strengthens your connections.
  7. Make new friends with shared interests, or even find kindred spirits — join communities that resonate with you, and learn with like-minded people.
  8. Remind yourself that together we can achieve great things — baby steps matter, and each and every voice counts, so keep the faith that our topsy-turvy world will right itself.
  9. Share your spiritual journey and skills with others — people need to understand that there are alternatives to being stuck in a rut.
  10. Remember that you are loved, and work on confidence, self-esteem, and forgiveness of self and others.
We can each make a difference, but we must pay attention to what really matters.

Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love. — Mother Theresa

About Lisa Galarneau, Ph.D: I am a socio-cultural anthropologist, futurist, US Army veteran, and mother. I am also the founder of the Planetary Liberation Front — A Revolution of Mind. We’re looking for contributors, so please contact me if you’re interested! Or join us on Facebook!

More Reading:



Dr. Lisa Galarneau aka Artemis Pax
Planetary Liberation Force - The Resistance — The People’s New Deal

Anthropologist, Futurist, Design/UX Researcher, Veteran, Lightworker, Democrat, #TheResistance Activist. and Artist