Your Mission Is To #WagePeace — A Rallying Cry For Culture Hacking

We have a problem, soldiers of truth, love and peace. We’re wrapped around the axle and we need to get unstuck. Yesterday I wrote about how The Path to Tyranny is Paved With Good Intentions. Our system has become smarter than the individual humans within it. We live in a culture centered around monetary profit and the greed that comes along with it. We have leaders who don’t care about their fellow humans, despise them in fact. We don’t want to sow division, so what do we do?

We mean well, we pay attention. But this is a culture and information war and we need to rise up and resist the forces in our world who are thrilled to exploit and abuse their fellow human.

Many of us know there is a freight train called potential Armageddon barreling towards us. We’re in the midst of a total system meltdown. Whose problems are these to solve? They are ours. We need peace-makers and culture hackers, because what we have is a problem of culture. We all need to change the way we view things — we need a revolution of mind and heart. How do we do it? We need to understand that culture is everywhere, and can be hacked in alignment with our mission objective, to wage peace. But it requires powerful intention and compelling voices.

Explaining culture hacking.

So I’m promoting you. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to start being a leader, to carry the torch far and wide and light the torches of others. Some of you already are leaders, but we need to do more. We know how to hack culture and lead the revolution of mind. But first we need to rally. The machines are those automatons in our culture who refuse to think for themselves. We need to change minds, which seems so difficult. But we’ve got this. We know the path and we’re not afraid. We’ve been doing this our entire lives.

Morpheus to Zion — The Matrix Reloaded — If you haven’t seen the films, Zion (perhaps an unfortunate name) is the last bastion of humanity in their war against the machines.

Collect Intelligence

We need to understand how the machines think. Learn to recognize and speak their language, adopt their culture, and embrace their point of view. Yes, that means getting into the minds of the machines. Figure out what really motivates them, what they really need and want. For them it is also about values, but what are they exactly?

Conduct Reconaissance and Infiltration Missions

Deploy yourself to the places where you can create culture change. Respond to those machines who perpetuate a culture of greed, scarcity thinking, fear, hatred, and division. But do it with evidence that we are on the wrong track. Many are an epiphany away from changing their perspective, but we need to plant transformational memes in their paths. Does this mean they will change their ways immediately? No. But each epiphany is critical on the path to the liberation of mind. Don’t attack. Empathize. Compel. Remind them we’re on the same side.

How to change minds!

Be Willing to Stand Up, Rise Up, and Resist

It’s time to call bullshit on concepts, social and cultural norms, and inaction that aren’t in support of the mission objective. We need to take back our collective mind. We need to show everyone that there are better ways, and that we can pull back from the precipice of violence and destruction our world is currently on. We need to show them that everyone must resist. We are all in this together.

Rally the Troops

We all know caring, loving people who seem unwilling to do much more than remain deer in the headlights. Truth will set us free, as they say, but first it will piss us off. Show people what the real problems are. Demonstrate that there is another way forward. Recruit and ask them to be our allies in this cause.

Wrangle the Resources

Identify and promote voices that resonate with the widest possible audience. Those that are going meta and rising above the fray. Our resistance is about cultural values: truth, justice, fairness, kindness, compassion, peace and love.

Use Words as Your Weapons

We all have an arsenal of weapons at our disposal. Find and use your words, tell your own stories, give your unique perspectives. Seek out the words of other revolutionaries and build upon them. We all have a unique voice — use yours for this cause.

We Don’t Need Bullets, We Have Clicks

Use your clicks to like, share, and otherwise promote positive messages and the illumination of truth. Remember that it’s about values, but it’s not about slinging mud without calls to action.

Promote the Point of View We Aspire To

The choice is ours, as a culture, to decide what direction we’re heading. We need to show the machines that there is another way. We need to challenge our most deeply held assumptions: about money, about the necessity of conflict, about the power and goodness of the people.

We can each make a difference, but we must pay attention to what really matters.

About Lisa Galarneau, Ph.D: I am a socio-cultural anthropologist, futurist, US Army veteran, and mother. I am also the founder of the Planetary Liberation Front — A Revolution of Mind. We’re looking for contributors, so please contact me if you’re interested! Or join us on Facebook!

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More Reading:



Dr. Lisa Galarneau aka Artemis Pax
Planetary Liberation Force - The Resistance — The People’s New Deal

Anthropologist, Futurist, Design/UX Researcher, Veteran, Lightworker, Democrat, #TheResistance Activist. and Artist