Community Update #2

Planet Atmos
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2022


Following on from our presence at NFT.NYC last week, the team has continued building on the momentum from our launch and from New York. We’re thrilled to share some upcoming news with our community and take a look back at this past week.

MKIV Datacard Mint and Content Reveal

The team is pleased to announce that the initial content of the Datacard will become available for its holders to view on July 6th. We cannot wait to share the beautiful detail of what the Emergent MKIV Exo looks like… and additional content for the community to begin immersing themselves within the world of Planet Atmos.

We are grateful for the support from the first community members to hold this initial piece of Atmosi history on-chain. On Wednesday, July 6th, 2022, we will take a snapshot of current holders (those who purchased a Datacard before the 6th) and release the datacard content. Holders will be able to view the contents on the Planet Atmos Portal.

As mentioned in the first AMA on Twitter Spaces, the information within the Datacard may be increased over time. We are also implementing a holder verification system to unlock additional channels in the Atmos Discord — more on this soon.

For now, the mint will continue on following the content release and snapshot, to allow more folks to learn about Atmos and hold the first piece of Atmos’ history.

Atmos In Earthly News

While Atmos may be set 522 years in the future and 192 light-years away, we are ecstatic to be featured in Earth-bound news and articles. Most recently, the legendary Dean Takahashi of GamesBeat sat down with Atmos Labs’ CEO, Kevin Beauregard, and VP of Game Design, Dylan Bushnell, to talk more about Atmos, how we’re building it, and its future.

Specifically, Kevin and Dylan spoke at length about the need to build quality gaming experiences within the Web3-enabled gaming space — and the need for a class of Metaverse-Native Sports all their own.

“When you’re not constrained by what a human being can do, then you shouldn’t be constrained by what a human being could do.” — Kevin Beauregard

“Our goal is to replicate the experience of a triple-A driving game in 3D space… In addition to that, our crafting system is super sophisticated. We’re basically taking the breeding systems that you find in a lot of crypto-based games, and adapting that into a more conventional asset customization system.” — Dylan Bushnell

Additionally, Kevin spoke about the importance of emergent storytelling within Atmos — building a narrative with our community and telling it through multiple mediums such as Atmos’ upcoming comic series.

“Those particular stories and moments in sports get created. We love this idea of emergent storytelling where we’re blending what users do within Atmos into these other media.” — Kevin Beauregard.

Read the full article here.

Community Highlights

Our community continues to grow and engage with one another. We’re pleased to call out community member Keilo for a second time in a row for their fantastic imagination around the images of the Exo dripping from Atmos socials.


Additionally, continued translation efforts by 原来是你 have been wonderful in helping reach a wider audience.

We’d like to thank all the community members who have been active and chatting with each other and the team.

The team intends on celebrating individual community members each week in this update for outstanding contributions and interactions — if you haven’t seen yourself here yet, keep it up and you’ll be featured soon enough!

Build Together

As always, we are eager to hear your feedback and suggestions, and to enshrine your contributions. Help spread the word, help build our community, help build our world.

Lgl, citizens.

Update: We have updated the discord link in this post.



Planet Atmos

The Official Medium of Planet Atmos, Exordium, and ExoGP