Go to Plant Cell Extracts
Plant Cell Extracts
Cutting edge research in plant science from The Plant Cell, published by the American Society of Plant Biologists. Background image credit: Tom Donald.
Note from the editor

Background image credit: Tom Donald.

Go to the profile of Nan Eckardt
Nan Eckardt
Senior Features Editor at THE PLANT CELL
Go to the profile of Mary Williams
Mary Williams
Features Editor, The Plant Cell, working to promote plant science literacy and skillful teaching. Former Professor, now American Society of Plant Biologists.
Go to the profile of Kevin Folta
Kevin Folta
Professor, podcast host, fruit tree grower, keynote speaker, good trouble.
Go to the profile of Patrice A Salomé
Go to the profile of Diarmuid O'Maoileidigh
Go to the profile of Tegan Armarego-Marriott
Tegan Armarego-Marriott
Australian plant molecular biologist living in Germany. I also like cats.
Go to the profile of Jenna Gallegos
Go to the profile of Celine Caseys
Celine Caseys
Plant-Curious Biologist. I study and write about plant interactions. I'm currently postdoctoral researcher at UC Davis Plant Sciences
Go to the profile of Christian Danve M. Castroverde
Christian Danve M. Castroverde
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Michigan State University
Go to the profile of Robert Augustine