More ways to look at your data

Sean Ross-Ross
Plantiga Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2019

Plus some updates to activity types and velocity.

We’ve added two new ways to look at your data in the DASHBOARD and DAILY pages of These new features will allow you to compare trends over longer timelines and find exactly which data you’re looking for, faster.

In the DASHBOARD for each person, we’ve added 6 month and 1 year views to all metrics. Stick with 1 month to view recent data, or click on 6 months or 1 year to see trends over the course of an entire season or rehab program and beyond.

(sometimes you need to give the data a second to catch up)

In the DAILY page for each person, you can now see each day that you collected data on as a little orange dot in the calendar. This will give you a better idea of where to find data that you’ve collected in the past.

(someone’s been busy!)

Two more things!

As many of you may have seen, the default activities for each organization have been updated to walk, run, consecutive countermovement jump, cyclic jump, and open activity. These are the activities we recommend assessing to get the the best data op the people in your organization. You can always add more activity types for assessment by going ACTIVITY TYPES under the Settings page for your organization and toggling on the activities you want to add.

(Choose from over twenty activity types!)

Finally, when we released the speed algorithm a few weeks ago, we could only apply the algorithm to runs and walks of 10 minutes or less. Now, we can calculate speed for walks and runs of up to one hour. Get out there and start measuring your 10k speed (or 5k, we don’t judge)!

