Go to Platform Hunt
Platform Hunt
The definitive guide to platform business models based on a study of 160+ platform businesses.
Note from the editor

Almost every software entrepreneur nowadays builds some kind of a ‘platform’. Yet very few will confidently answer a seemingly simple, but very important question: “What kind of platform do you build?” We started Platform Hunt to help entrepreneurs navigate the complex landscape of platform business models, find inspiration for innovating and reinventing their businesses and learn from the experience of other platforms. We took a data-driven approach and studied 160+ platform businesses created by Internet giants, traditional companies and startups. Platform Hunt is an open initiative. The list of all platform examples is open and is stored in a public Trello board at data.platform-hunt.com. We hope to make Platform Hunt even more useful to entrepreneurs by tapping into the wisdom of the crowds. Anyone can comment in the Trello board. Anyone can submit a platform example by filling a simple form at add.platform-hunt.com. Each new platform example will help entrepreneurs to learn from the collective experience of other platform businesses.

Go to the profile of Michael Vakulenko
Michael Vakulenko
Always curious how the world works | linkedin.com/in/mvakulenko
Go to the profile of Sameer Singh
Sameer Singh
Network Effects Investor, Venture Partner @ Speedinvest, Instructor @ Reforge, Atomico Angel. Please direct all pitch decks to sameer@breadcrumb.vc.
Go to the profile of Platform Hunt