The Art of Managing and Expanding Global Teams: Insights from Platform45, a Premium Leading Software Development Company

Lucia Xypteras
Published in
7 min readSep 28, 2023

It’s a risky thing to innovate. That’s what makes it so important.

This month, our Chief Executive, Shaun Richards, participated in a panel alongside Louis Demetroulakos, Head of Partnerships at Playroll and Vaso Parisinou, Chief People Officer at Ravio. Together, they delved into the intricacies of global team management and expansion.

In today’s interconnected world, the concept of a workplace has transcended geographical boundaries. As businesses embrace the digital age and harness the power of technology, managing and expanding global teams has become an essential skill for success.

For a leading software development company like Platform45, the intersection between people and technology has been centre stage for us long before it became #trending.

Fo’ shizzle

We were cool before it was cool, okay? And because we’re so cool, we wanted to share some insight into how we talk the talk and walk the walk when it comes to managing teams across the physical and digital space.

“COVID-19 levelled the playing field in a lot of ways. We saw a massive opportunity to access an expanded pool of amazing talent. And once we opened that door we realised that the only segregation that exists is the one in your mind. Once you take that away you understand that you can work from anywhere and opportunities are endless.” says Shaun.

This is why he is our leader. 👆

{That and he has the coolest shoe collection we’ve ever seen! 👟}

The rise of remote work and digital communication tools has paved the way for a new era of stakeholder collaboration. Allowing us to access diverse talent pools and maintain our top talent while allowing them the opportunity to explore global opportunities.

“The world is a big place, amplified by technology and subsequently made accessible by it.” says Shaun.

We understand the impact we can have on our community through transformative technology and that’s why we know expansion isn’t just about reaching new markets — it’s about embracing new perspectives and pushing the boundaries of innovation.

Here’s how we do it:

1. We Strategize like Seasoned Pros

At Platform45 we tailor our solutions to each client, because different industries have different demands and preferences and it’s within these variations that true innovation can occur.

Over the past 10 months, we’ve witnessed a remarkable transformation in the workplace, with technological advancements like AI reshaping industries and even giving rise to entirely new job roles that were previously unheard of.

As we continue to develop and harness such cutting-edge technologies, the accessibility and value of data have reached unprecedented levels (Check out our article, You’ve Heard Of The Space Race…Welcome To The Data Race 🚀)

“The availability of data is easy,” says Shaun, “How you leverage that data is important.”

Tailoring software solutions to meet the various industry requirements demonstrates a commitment to understanding and serving diverse clientele. A key part of being able to successfully serve global markets is understanding that managing global teams requires a delicate balance of structure, communication, and cultural understanding.

Shaun wisely notes, “A deliberate strategy is paramount because nothing holds greater significance than the collective strength of a well-connected team.”

Remember, as the saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!”

Just as it’s necessary to tailor solutions for a client, it is equally vital to extend the same level of care to create a well-connected and thriving team culture.

Culture cannot be the sole responsibility of any single individual. While it falls upon a leader to embody and represent company culture, it is not their duty to be the exclusive source of it. It’s imperative that each member of the team steps up and embraces their role in nurturing and propagating this culture.

2. We Cultivate Innovation Hubs:

We’ve identified these five points of importance for managing successful global teams:

  1. Clear Communication Channels.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity.
  3. Defined Goals and Expectations.
  4. Empowerment and Trust.
  5. Regular Check-ins.

“Our strategy is to show that we are the real deal. We give people the ability to experience our culture first-hand. We host a bi-monthly Town Hall and bring everyone together. Everyone has a chance to speak, share their ideas and their thoughts.” says Shaun.

This emphasis on transparency and open communication cannot be overstated.

Asking your team “How can we be helpful?” can provide enlightening and often surprising responses. Don’t assume you know the answer.

Establishing both physical and virtual innovation checkpoints collaboration and leads to cross-pollination of ideas and accelerated innovation.

Cultivating an authentic internal community is the natural magnet for attracting the right people, ideal clients, and promising opportunities.

This underscores the paramount importance of establishing genuine connections within your team.

The goal should always be to build a better team. A team that could win the incoming Intergalactic Hunger Games of 2056- Don’t laugh, you know it’s going to happen and when it does, you want to know you have the best of the best on your team.

If you’re trying to transform your industry, you don’t want a Mickey Mouse team, you want the Avengers.

We proudly declare ourselves the Avengers of the Tech world.

We said what we said.

Us, right now.

3. We Tap into Lekker Local Talent First:

“Talent is the cornerstone of your long-term success,” explains Shaun. The manner in which you safeguard and nurture the intellectual capital residing within your employees can spell the difference between triumph and failure.

At Platform45 we want to know that we are doing everything to empower local talent to strive for excellence both locally and internationally.

The magic of technology is that it provides us with the chance to showcase our skills and our talents to international companies.

Tech truly is the great equaliser; consider how easily every person with a computer and internet connection can have access to platforms like Leonard.AI and Chat GPT at their fingertips. These invaluable resources are now accessible by everyone.

As valuable as these tools are, they cannot solve every challenge; human thought, creativity and collaboration are essential in addressing complex problems.

That’s why we also know that when expanding into new regions, hiring local talent brings a fresh perspective which not only benefits our clients but our culture as well. This approach enhances the software’s relevance and competitiveness.

Technology is one of the most exciting industries to be in right now, no matter what part of the world you’re in.

“Just because you’re in Lisbon doesn’t mean you can’t collaborate on a project in South Africa, and vice versa,” emphasises Shaun, highlighting the importance of global teamwork and the power of connectivity in the modern workplace.

4. We Find The Other Cool Kids On The Block:


In Platform45’s 4th year of operations, we did some work for a US-based company. They were growing and wanted our guys on shore and it was all very exciting.

We moved them over to New York, assembling the necessary legal and financial expertise, believing we had every aspect meticulously covered. However, one morning, a team member reached out, perplexed by the absence of his paycheck.

That’s when we discovered the intricacies of the U.S. bi-weekly payroll system had eluded us!

It is so important to understand the nuance and regulations that each country comes with. This experience highlighted the need for a reliable partner capable of handling the intricacies while allowing us to focus on our core strengths instead of searching for answers to compliance questions like:

What is holiday leave in the Netherlands?

Do we just DM the Minister of Employment in Luxembourg?

Why did my Makarapa cause an office shut-down in New Zealand?

From our point of view, getting the proper guidance and support to make the transition easier is KEY.

We partner with companies like Playroll so we can get back to our primary mission of pioneering innovative technology solutions.

Navigating the complexities of managing and expanding global teams is far from a ‘one size fits all’ approach. That’s what makes a company’s distinct culture so important.

As Shaun aptly reminds us, “You must always remember what sets your company apart and ensure that it remains at the forefront of your leadership approach.”

It’s through the celebration and preservation of our unique culture and connecting with the right partners that we can keep navigating the intricacies of global teamwork — who knows where we’ll end up next!



Lucia Xypteras

Business strategist specializing in brand and marketing.