Civitas Monthly Review No. #5

Giorgio Crosali
Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2022

GM frens of Civitas,

Let’s kick off this monthly review by addressing the [non-fungible] elephant in the room: the mint. It started, it finished, trading activity is in full swing, and token reveals are taking place. Still, much more mint info is yet to be announced, and this monthly review is supposed to cover the events of September when the mint wasn’t even a thing — which is why I recommend you to join the Civitas Discord community channel if you are looking for the latest news on the mint.

Of Chosen and Utility

September has been full of revelations. In between promoting the mint and distributing whitelists, we uncovered the final character archetypes that would have eventually been part of the mint: Ninşiku, Zola, Bhaltair, Suong, K-47, M42111N. All of these characters are the realizations of many, many months of work that began even before we revealed their concept art at the very beginning of Civitas’ public history. Some even changed names — which is why we do not recommend tattooing yourself at an early stage (if you know, you know).

But, arguably even more important than the actual characters, we provided more reasons why holding up to a Chosen of Civitas from the early stage benefits you — enter the Ever Fragments.

Ever Fragments are an essential and valuable part of the land generation process. These Ever Fragments are transferable and can be sold to other players anytime. Players can then collect and combine these Ever Fragments NFTs to create Ever Crystals NFTs. These powerful NFT artifacts can be used to enhance land NFT. The resulting plots will be among the most valuable land tiles in the game. The Ever Crystals are also NFTs that are transferable and sold to other players.

Suppose you wish to learn more about how you can use Fragments & Crystals: in that case, we recommend you read our dedicated article on the subject.

Utility in a nutshell

Collabs, collabs, collabs

Those who have been with us from the beginning know how notoriously stingy we have been about collaborations with other actors in the web3 space. That finally changed. While we still pride ourselves in being selective about the people we work with, we found several partners we believe are aligned with our values. We are talking about GameFi projects on AAA-quality levels like Metalcore, Illuvium, and Shrapnel, as well as gaming communities like Ethlizards, Ready Player DAO, and Polemos, to name a few. And those are “just” some of the big ones; we also cooperated with many smaller projects with an equally impressive production level, as well as communities, creators & KOLs who have been supporting Civitas hard from the beginning.

While all of these collaborations were spurred by the mint event, we genuinely look forward to strengthening the bond with those who are looking forward to growing the web3 space as a whole — this market is young and needs more friends than competitors.

Illuvium game AMA featuring some amazing chads

The Chosen invaded the real world

In the quest to promote our mint and related whitelists qualification rounds, our team created a little yet funny AR app for people to cast some of the Civitas characters in the real world through their mobile devices. The ensuing contest spawned many interesting creations, and we are very happy to see the reception of such a simple tool among the masses. I am also happy to announce that the app is being further developed and that it will soon allow every hodler of Chosen characters to display their own character NFTs in their living room, at a party, in the forest, or playing with wild animals.

This amazing shot also won a WL spot

Community spotlight

While there could be plenty of funny pics of Shamans and cats to share, we want to dedicate this month’s community spotlight to our top Discord user: Galli.

While part of the ODA Clan community, he still manages to be active on the Civitas Discord every day, to the point where he literally has more than double the messages of the second most active person on the server. He’s also the only current level 40 person in the server, which made him eligible for a mention in the Civitas game credit, free merch once the merch store is up, and more cool roles on our server.

Also, we promoted him to mod cause he’s an unstoppable force that never spares himself from helping anyone he can in any way possible.

Screenshot from our special roles channel on Discord

City Council

Last month saw the very first city council, an event dedicated to the Chosen’s hodlers and the most engaged members of our community, who can talk directly with the devs about everything. While this first council was a bit of a friendly chat to talk about anything and limited to those who got a SHaman through the freemint, future ones will be much more populated and be much more intense and see multiple developers joining really get knee-deep into Civitas.

Full recording of the first City Council Meeting

Final words

Now that the mint craze is over, we are taking a bit of time to reorganize our pipeline and workflow. While web3 is notoriously chaotic, and today’s news is already old the moment they come out, it takes organization to stand out from the crowd, and that’s where we want to be. If you have suggestions on how to make Civitas shine, join our community on Discord and reach out.

— Giorgio “Error 404” Crosali

