PlayGame — An Update for 2019

Batista Harahap
Published in
7 min readFeb 9, 2019

English | Bahasa Indonesia

It has been an exhilarating 2018 coming up to 2019 for us at PlayGame. Everything ran so quick, so fast and so deep.

A year ago today, it all started when Anton Soeharyo our CEO wrote down with his hand, what was supposed to be our “whitepaper” on a pink paper note. Today that concept has taken form as a rocket ship destined for the moon.

The Famous Pink Notes
Anton gathering support by meeting likeminded people and some of whom eventually become our advisor and supporter

Let me take you on a retro tour of PlayGame’s journey from 2018 to 2019.

The date was July 5th, 2018.

PXG Logo designed by our Cofounder

This is the date our PXG token was deployed in the Ethereum main-net. At that time there were only 7 of us full time. Here’s a link below to the transaction to deploy the Smart Contract.

The date was July 27th, 2018.

The first competition was for T-rex Runner

The first competition is played in Although it was ran by the people who built PlayGame, this was monumental for us. As the CTO, me, 3 other software engineers and a designer who believes in PlayGame early coded through the month to make this happen.

The date was August 27th, 2018.

TEN To The Moon in partnership with Tokenomy

During our Pre-ICO, we partnered with Tokenomy to bring Oscar Darmawan their CMO who is also CEO of Indodax to life. There were 10,000 TEN to be awarded for the winners.

This competition taught us the hard way that money oriented incentives will surely invite people to try to game the game. We are grateful for this as this becomes the foundation for our next efforts to use blockchain as the answer for cheaters.

TEN To The Moon Competition

During this period, our peak Daily Active Users (DAU) skyrocketed to 1,793 users producing a peak day of 25,949 competition matches. An interesting fact made us shake our heads in amazement, instead of the TEN To The Moon game, our Floppy Bird was the most played game. It has stayed true to this day that made us decide to have this game as our Super Tournament running today.

Another fact is that during this period there were a total of more than 125,000 competition matches played on all of our games at the moment.

The dates were Sep 24th, 2018 and Oct 24th, 2018.

Thank You!

Those dates were the date for when we started the ICO on Tokenomy’s brand new Launchpad platform and when it ended. In total we sold 600,000,000 PXG tokens out of a supply of 1,000,000,000 PXG. Thank you everyone for your support!

To be successful in such a bear market is an achievement we hold dear. Again, we thank you for your believe in PlayGame.

The date was Oct 24th, 2018.

Proof of Play (PoP)

We closed our ICO with a new innovative concept of dealing with cheaters. PlayGame calls this Proof of Play (PoP). Instead of trusting the scores generated by games, we compile player moves into final scores. These data is then validated and stored eternally on a Sidechain based on Tendermint.

It is our belief that Tendermint will change the ball game in the blockchain side of things. By enabling us to do custom logic on top of the Distributed Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus layer, we can focus more on getting our product right. We applaud Tendermint for bringing this innovation to the world!

The months were September to December 2018.

We learnt about the blockchain business from China. The cofounders flew back and forth to China visiting 5 cities there to learn about how blockchain is being used there. During our trip we met with a lot of blockchain companies both big and small. We are lucky enough to be invited to their offices and learn firsthand how China is leading the innovation.

Our CSO William Riyadi and CEO Anton Soeharyo paved the way for PlayGame to be recognized. One of the deeds of their work resulted in a strategic partnership with Achain.

PlayGame x Achain (ACT)

PXG was also listed the first time on an exchange called CoinTiger. They boast 1.1 million users coming from Greater China and the rest of the world. It was a cold and rainy day when we shook hands. PXG is currently trading in ETH and BTC markets.

PlayGame x Cointiger

During the China trips we visited companies from the Top 30 coins with the largest market cap.

PlayGame x Onchain (ONT)
PlayGame x Tron (TRX)

On Dec 11, 2018 we announced that Walt Disney SEA is partnering with us. We agreed upon a partnership that will bring Disney games into

PlayGame x Disney

To top it off, on Dec 12th, 2018 PXG is listed on HitBTC. PXG is traded in the BTC and USDT market.

PXG Listed on HitBTC

No we’re not done yet, on Dec 13th, 2018 PlayGame won 4 awards at Chain Plus Shanghai. The awards are for:

  • The most popular game award of blockchain in 2018
  • The best industry application award of blockchain in 2018
  • 2018 blockchain best game creativity award
  • 2018 Blockchain technology innovation award
William Riyadi our CSO accepting one of the award
The awards we won

The date was Jan 4th, 2018.

PXG Listed on Tokenomy

PXG is listed on Tokenomy where we had our ICO. This listing brings us closer to our home, Indonesia. PXG is traded in the BTC and TEN markets. To this day, PXG’s volume in Tokenomy continues to grow larger and larger.

The date was Jan 14th, 2019.

We announced that without the gamers knowing, we have implemented Proof of Play centrally. We implemented it on our Tower Blocks game adapted to be played in Telegram through this competition.

The date was Jan 23rd, 2019.

PXG won Indodax Community Coin Voting by a landslide. We outvoted the previous period’s runner up and also other coins which are in the Top 30 largest coin by market cap. Thank you for voting us!

On the same day, we also announced that’s wallet is fully operational. Gamers can now deposit and withdraw PXG on our platform. To our amazement, since then paid competitions tops up 67% of all competitions being played in

With our wallet fully operational, this vindicates our product/market fit. We have a product we are proud for.

The date was Jan 30th, 2019.

PlayGame launches our first Super Tournament with rewards of PXG and also iPhone X.

The date was Feb 8th, 2019.

PXG is announced to be listed in Indodax’s IDR market on Feb 12th, 2019 at 12:00 PM UTC+7 along with BNB. Binance’s CEO himself tweeted about it.

We are now 23 people strong and PXG is now held in more than 8,000 wallets worldwide.

As you can see, during 2018 and 2019, we at PlayGame have made great strides on our quest to become the world’s choice for crypto arcade game competition platform. Our team is a team of seasoned and experienced entrepreneurs, engineers, designers, marketers, accountants and community workers. We focus on our fundamentals, our product.

In Q1 2019, we are focused to deliver more features to accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrencies in the gaming world. As early as this month, you will see that owning PXG will be easier, faster and friendlier. You can invite your friends to and let them get their PXG directly from our platform to compete with you.

Stay tuned for an eventful Q1 2019. PXG to the moon 🚀

One more thing.



Batista Harahap

A web junkie with a perversion for mobile and location tech. Loves to write codes and blog posts and music anywhere anytime with anyone. Yes, less is MORE.