The Wolf and the Goat

A story of animals and trust

Matthew Clapham
Published in
6 min readSep 21, 2023


A goat in the mountains
Photo by Fabrizio Conti on Unsplash

This is the second in a series of stories that I wrote a while ago and am now dusting off and editing to share with anyone who might have an interest, or who knows a younger reader who might.

The first of them is here. They’re largely standalone tales but do tend to refer back on occasion to the previous chapters, as one of the two animals featured always continues to the next story.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin…

The Wolf felt very thirsty now the sun was beating, and he decided to follow the river south so he would always have plenty of water to drink. On he walked for days and days (for China is a very big country) until he came to a fork in the river.

As you know, the Wolf couldn’t swim, and of course, there were no icebergs this far south, so he had no choice but to follow the other branch of the river, although really it went more west than south.

On and on, he went further and further west and higher and higher into the mountains of Tibet and Nepal, the highest in all the world. Up there in the mountains, it got colder and colder, and the warmth of the Sun seemed as far away as ever.



Matthew Clapham

Professional translator by day. Writer of silly and serious stuff by night. Also by day, when I get fed up of tedious translations. Founder of Iberospherical.