Become a Pledgecamp Moderator: Official Process Is Here!

Published in
5 min readJul 23, 2019

Read this post for official instructions on becoming a Pledgecamp Moderator. Remember, early Moderators enjoy the best advantages! #TokenTuesday

(Note: US Persons may not obtain CS tokens or become Moderators at this time.)

CAUTION: The below process is the ONLY official way to become a Pledgecamp Moderator. Do NOT send PLG, ETH, or any other currency to a scammer via email, Telegram, or other, pretending that they will help you become a Moderator. Always verify who you are talking to and check this post for the truth. Thank you.

The Moderator signup process is officially open 🎉

Over the past weeks, we explained what becoming a Moderator means for you, and why it benefits you to be a part of it now rather than later.

Please note that this is a long and detailed post. Please understand all parts of the below steps in order to become a Moderator. Consults our Telegram community admins if you have questions.

As a quick refresher, here’s a table showing how you can obtain preferable conversion rates based on how early you commit to and complete the Moderator signup process:

Act fast to reserve July rates!

Here are the steps to becoming a Pledgecamp Moderator:

  1. Fill out your personal information
  2. Pass KYC and receive a personalized CS User Agreement
  3. Sign and return the Agreement (lock in your conversion rate)
  4. Transfer PLG to specified address (special conditions may apply)

Step 1: Fill Out Your Personal Information

Click here to fill out the form:

In order to become a Moderator, we require:

  • Full name
  • Country of residence (must not be a US Person)
  • Email
  • Wallet information
  • PLG ownership details and any relevant vesting schedules
  • Scan of your Government-issued ID (for KYC)
  • Scan of your proof of residential address (for KYC)

Click here to fill out the form:

Note: Simply filling out this form does NOT lock in your PLG:CS conversion rate for the month. In order to do so (for example, to lock in the July rate) you must finish all the way to Step 3 below.

Note: If you do not have a minimum 100,000 PLG in your wallet at this time, you are not eligible to become a Moderator. In other words, you cannot use the conversion rate to meet the minimum staking obligation. As a reminder, the minimum requirement was stated in our white paper during the token sale.

Step 2: Pass KYC and Receive Your Personalized CS User Agreement

After submitting the form, our team will take up to 3 business days to process your registration and review your materials submitted for KYC.

If you do not supply the required government-issued ID or proof of residence (such as utility bill or bank statement), your application may be delayed as we ask you for the proper materials.

We reserve the right to deem you ineligible to become a Moderator because you did not pass KYC.

Step 3: Sign and return the Agreement

If approved, you will receive an official email from our support email,, that you have been approved.

(Please be cautious and check that the email truly came from us! You may message an admin in our official Telegram channel if you are suspicious of any messages you receive.)

In this email, we will confirm the personal details that you submitted to the above form. Please check that they are correct in order to be sure it is not a scammer pretending to be us. We will NOT ask you to send any PLG or payment at this point.

We will also attach a CS User Agreement document which will outline the requirements and conditions that you must agree to as a Moderator.

Please sign and return the document to us for processing. If you sign this document within the month of July, your conversion rate will be calculated for the July conversion rate (regardless of when you are actually able to send the PLG, in the event that tokens are not unlocked or if you are subject to a vesting schedule).

Step 4: Transfer PLG to specified address

After we receive your signed contract, we will reply with instructions on how to send PLG to perform the staking. Send the required PLG, and that’s it! You are now a Pledgecamp Moderator and ready to help the platform grow :)

(If you are unable to send PLG immediately after receiving these instructions, such as if your tokens are subject to vesting or if tokens are locked for trading, do not worry. We will notify you according to your vesting schedule or when tokens are unlocked, at which point you will have 48 hours to send the promised PLG according to your signed CS User Agreement. If you fail to do so within the given time, your Moderator registration will be cancelled and you will not receive any CS.)

Please note, in order to preserve the integrity of the blind-voting moderation system, it is important that Moderators remain anonymous. This is to prevent any chance of collusion among them to influence votes. We will never comment on the identity of individual Moderators and work to protect your personal information. If you would like to undo the process and no longer be a Moderator, we will destroy all records of your information after the process is done. Simply message and you will be subject to a 30-day conversion process. Read your full CS User Agreement for details.

We will not reveal the individual identity of Moderators, but we will make transparent the total number of PLG staked by Moderators as a whole. This way, you can understand the commitment size of your stake in relation to others, as it is related to your individual compensation when payouts begin.

Be sure to follow us here on Medium, as well as:

Telegram (한국어):
Telegram ANN:

We will post breaking news and announcements across these channels in addition to the regular posting schedule detailed above.

Note: U.S. Persons are not eligible to become Moderators. This is not a solicitation to purchase or invest in securities. This is not investment advice and we are not financial advisors. Any investment in cryptocurrencies involves considerable risk.

We reserve the right to modify the proposed bonus conversion rates schedule and mechanics above at any time and for any reason, including but not limited to limiting abuse, liquidity problems, and other negative impacts to the platform. There is a 10B total supply of PLG tokens and no more can be minted; thus, bonus CS acquired by a favorable conversion rate may not be converted back into more PLG than was originally staked.

We reserve the right to commit bonus PLG from the Initial Moderator Fund to a vesting schedule, or reward them as CS if necessary to protect negative impacts on token liquidity.




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