Pledgecamp Engineering Update #11

Samuel Pullman
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2019

(See previous update here)

Hello again from the engineering team, we’re here with another update for #BuildWednesday!

Two weeks ago we released a frontend demo to showcase the new designs we’ve been working on, you can view it at Today’s update will come later in the evening, we’re currently working through some new authentication code and improving backend deploy procedures.

This week we spent time focusing on page load speed and code abstractions, in addition to normal feature progress. You’ll notice below that both the frontend and backend actually ended up having a negative change in lines of code compared to last week. On the frontend this is mainly due to removing vestigial code from the previous click-through prototype. The backend had a few optimizations that both increased performance and reduced total line count. Less code generally means fewer bugs, so simple and concise code is something we strive for.


  • New lines of code: -58
  • Improve database migration process
  • Add backer only permission setting to project updates
  • Consolidate logging in preparation for production ELK stack log setup
  • Add contact method for projects
  • Add and update a few test projects


  • New lines of code: -81
  • Implement new design for public user profile page
  • Update project manager analytics page to show different views for storefront and crowdfunding projects
  • Unify date handling across the project, and fix date related bugs
  • Lazy load certain page data to improve load times
  • Add link to contact project creator directly

This Week

This week we’ll get the new project builder working well enough for demonstration, and smooth out the rest of the kinks in the user signup/login flow. We’ll also add user moderation functionality for project comments. Comment moderation does not rely on our Camp Share rewards system, since the transaction volume may be too high to manage on Ethereum, and the value is relatively low. Camp Shares are only paid out to project moderators, which is a much more critical service.

