Pledgecamp Engineering Update #17

Samuel Pullman
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2019

(See previous update here)

Hello again from the engineering team, we’re here with another update! Last week we made a lot of progress across the board — the bulk of the website interface is done, and the backend API is close behind. Most of the remaining platform work revolves around finishing the backer insurance and Camp Share smart contracts, and integrating with the payments system. That being said, there are still lots of minor details to work out before we’re ready for an alpha release. We need to finish up the remaining API integrations for the project manager and moderator identity verification, and do a lot of quality control testing.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll roll out updates to our demo site. We’re targeting August 26 for an “alpha” release that demonstrates:

  • The full MVP site
  • Mock payment system (everything except the actual credit card transaction)
  • Preliminary smart contract integration for testing Camp Shares
  • Backer insurance voting


  • New lines of code: 1045
  • Improve user payment handling
  • Add API for requesting and confirming password reset
  • Add reward variants
  • Allow creator to activate/deactivate rewards
  • Add a few admin APIs


  • New lines of code: 1644
  • Integrate more project manager APIs
  • Add Camp Share tab to user wallet
  • Update payment methods UI and API integration
  • Implement password reset API

Total new lines of code: 2689

This Week

This week we’ll finish as much as the frontend UI as possible, so that the next week can be spent on quality control, final API integrations, and smart contracts. There are a few input forms and widgets that need to be implemented in the project manager, and the checkout pages need to be reviewed. We’re in the process of hiring a couple more developers for our Hong Kong team, and will have more news on that soon.

