Pledgecamp Engineering Update #12

Samuel Pullman
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2019

(See previous update here)

Hello again from the engineering team! We’re here with another update on this exciting #BuildWednesday. Last week we continued to push forward on platform development, and made progress on some new projects.

Last week we listed a PLG equivalent token on Binance DEX, which you can read more about here. We also recently partnered with Klaytn, a South Korea based blockchain run by Kakao. In order to facilitate usage of tokens from Klaytn (PLG.K), Binance DEX (PLG.B), or any future partners, we’re developing software that smoothly swaps to and from PLG. As soon as it’s ready, we’ll release the token bridge as a standalone website, and the functionality will also be integrated with the Pledgecamp platform when it launches.

The bridge functions in a simple manner, below is a high level overview of how it would convert PLG to PLG.B. Converting in the other direction works the same way.

  1. A website accepts user input for number of tokens, ETH address, and target Binance DEX address
  2. The site provides a QR code to initiate the transaction with any ETH wallet. If MetaMask is available, that can be used as well
  3. A monitoring process detects the transaction and issues equivalent PLG.B
  4. The original PLG is frozen in a wallet available for public audit, and only unfreezes when an equivalent amount of PLG.B as converted back to PLG

In addition to the exchange partnerships, another exciting piece of news is that we set up a merchant account from a payment processor called GreenBox. They’re a blockchain friendly processor that will enable us to take credit card and certain digital payment methods across the world. This is an important piece of the puzzle for how backers can pledge projects, and how creators receive project funds.


  • New lines of code: 155
  • Allow backers to flag inappropriate project comments
  • Start planning integration of GreenBox payment solution


  • New lines of code: 428
  • Continue work on project builder
  • Add updates page to project manager
  • Implement new shopping cart design


  • New lines of code: 54
  • Improve tests for the Camp Share contract

Total new lines of code: 637

This Week

Last week we intended to release a demo of the project builder, but it isn’t quite ready. Here’s a short example of how the first few pages of the project builder work:

This week we’ll keep working through project builder and project manager designs. We’ll finish planning the GreenBox integration and get started with implementing it in the backend. We’re also doing a full review of all our platform related smart contracts, and will improve how they can securely interface with off-chain software (e.g. the platform backend). Finally, we’ll work on designing and implementing the Binance DEX and Klaytn token bridges.

